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By: Nancy Pearcey – – January 26, 2018 In “LOVE THY BODY,” best-selling author Nancy R. Pearcey challenges the rise of politically correct social constructs that pose as liberation but are harmful to the human person, while setting us up for control by an all-powerful political state. “LOVE THY BODY,” published January 2, provides real-world solutions to a dehumanizing hostility to the body that characterizes the secularist approach to…
By: Nancy Pearcey – – January 26, 2018 In “LOVE THY BODY,” best-selling author Nancy R. Pearcey challenges the rise of politically correct social constructs that pose as liberation but are harmful to the human person, while setting us up for control by an all-powerful political state. “LOVE THY BODY,” published January 2, provides real-world solutions to a dehumanizing hostility to the body that characterizes the secularist approach to…
By: Guy Benson – – January 29, 2018 One of the reasons that I track abortion polling with some regularity is that whenever a political debate about limiting the practice unfolds, the abortion lobby and its mouthpieces recite predictable talking points: (1) Proponents of the restriction are “extreme,” and (2) any such action would be an affront to “women’s…
None of the Above. Source: Extremist Senators: This Proposed Sixth-Month Abortion Ban is Dangerous, Immoral and Anti-Women – Guy Benson
By: Fred Lucas – – January 29, 2018 President Donald Trump hopes to strike a “bipartisan” and “forward-looking” tone when pushing a theme of “Building a Safe, Strong and Proud America,” for his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, a senior administration official said. The speech will focus on five key issues: seeking to reach an immigration…
By Nancy R. Pearcey – – January 6, 2018 We typically picture the movers and shakers in Silicon Valley as brilliant if geeky walking intellects, hunched over their computers, inventing new gadgets. But this week Vanity Fair published a book excerpt by Emily Chang revealing that Silicon Valley is as sexually debauched as Hollywood, the political world and the…
By Nancy R. Pearcey – – January 6, 2018 We typically picture the movers and shakers in Silicon Valley as brilliant if geeky walking intellects, hunched over their computers, inventing new gadgets. But this week Vanity Fair published a book excerpt by Emily Chang revealing that Silicon Valley is as sexually debauched as Hollywood, the political world and the…
By: Larry Kudlow – – January 28, 2018 Quote: “America is open for business, and we are competitive once again.” End quote. That was just one of the key lines in President Trump’s highly successful Davos speech this week. Of course, in going to Davos, Trump entered the lion’s den. A year ago such a visit would have been a…
Bruce Bialosky – – January 28, 2018 The world was different when Emma Lazarus wrote the poem that is now part of the Statue of Liberty and my relatives came here from Lithuania in the 19th century. As our elected officials in Washington (notice I did not say leaders) bicker over any changes to our immigration system, they repeat…
In the mid-1980s, 24% of world’s population (1.8 billion people) had little or no Gospel access. Today, that figure has grown to 29% (2.1 billion people). Two interchangeable terms, while technically different, essentially define this population: Unreached People Groups (UPGs) — less than 2% evangelical Christians (Joshua Project). Least Evangelized Peoples (LEPs) – with little or no Gospel access per…