
August 3, 2015

After days of reeling from the most macabre revelations of the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos — from talk of “less crunchy” abortions, to the news that “a lot of people want liver,” to clinic employees staring at dismembered human remains and exclaiming “another boy” — Planned Parenthood’s defenders are launching their counterattacks. There was of course no way…

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August 3, 2015

In writing recently about Atlantic contributor Jeffrey Tayler’s longing to see religious believers placed in “straitjackets,” I was reminded once again of the astounding recent triumphalism from the secular Left. If 2015 has a culture-war theme so far, it might be “the year of the liberal gloat” — and not without some justification. First, the Pew Research Center’s Religious Landscape…

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August 3, 2015

The broadcast news shows covered Cecil the lion more in one day than they spent on the Planned Parenthood videos in two weeks – and that discrepancy only continues to grow. In two days, ABC, NBC and CBS have spent 30 minutes, 1 second on Cecil, a famed African lion shot by an American dentist. But anchors couldn’t spare nearly…

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July 31, 2015

The needle hasn’t move all that much since our last post two weeks ago. After a bevy of polling, Donald Trump is still ascendant and most of the candidates expected to qualify for the rapidly approaching, primetime Fox News debate almost certainly will. (Perhaps it’s hard to believe, but the debate is only about a week away). And yet, there‘s…

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July 31, 2015

It came two days after the announcement of the nuclear agreement with Iran, yet little mention was made on July 16 of the 70th anniversary of the first nuclear explosion, near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The anniversary underscored that the agreement attempts to thwart proliferation of technology seven decades old.Nuclear-weapons technology has become markedly more sophisticated since 1945. But not so…

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July 31, 2015

The Center For Medical Progress has released a fourth undercover video showing Planned Parenthood Vice President of the Rocky Mountains and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde discussing how babies that are “delivered before procedure,” aka born alive, are used to harvest “intact” organs. “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we are able to see them for a procedure…

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July 30, 2015
Help Wanted Sign

I had a lot of summer jobs. I was a foot messenger in New York for a couple of summers. I worked as a receptionist and mail-room flunky. Before my junior year of high school, I briefly sold ice-cream snacks — sort of yuppie bonbons — on the street for a company called Love Bites. The uniform was a tight…

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July 30, 2015

1. Jesus did not say come and grow, but come and die. (17) 2. We live by losing. We gain by giving away. What we achieve by building our personal platform will never be as great as what God achieves through what we give away in faith. (18) 3. Study after study shows that most Christians have never even shared…

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July 28, 2015

By lying and withholding information about the agreement, he gives aid and comfort to America’s enemy. The president “must certainly be punishable for giving false information to the Senate.” One can imagine hearing such counsel from a contemporary United States senator on the receiving end of President Obama’s “full disclosure” of the nuclear deal with Iran. But the admonition actually…

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July 27, 2015

Today a new video was released showing Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, negotiating the price points for intact fetal specimens and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts. Last week’s video showing Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola blithely discussing dismembering children in the womb…

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July 24, 2015

Ann Coulter is bold, brash, provocative, talented, fearless, witty, and outrageous. If she were on the left, she’d be lionized. (Lionessized?) She’d be widely regarded as an adornment to society. But she is not on the left. She is on the right, and a darling of the Right. But she does not fear to depart from the Right. (She seems…

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