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Latest Planned Parenthood Video

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The Center For Medical Progress has released a fourth undercover video showing Planned Parenthood Vice President of the Rocky Mountains and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde discussing how babies that are “delivered before procedure,” aka born alive, are used to harvest “intact” organs.

“Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we are able to see them for a procedure the we are intact,” Ginde is shown saying.

The video also shows abortionists pointing out “another boy!” has been extracted and celebrating intact baby parts as “five stars!”

“I just want to see one leg and one foot,” an abortionist in a lab is seen saying. “It’s a baby…here’s the heart…do people want to do stuff with eyeballs?”

Warning, this video is graphic: Read More

Source: Katie Pavlic, http://townhall.com