Penna Dexter Historian, columnist, and professor Victor Davis Hanson has been speaking and writing lately about the current cultural revolution. He contrasts cultural revolutions with political revolutions, which change governments and leaders. Cultural revolutions, he writes, “try to redefine entire societies” and “attack the very referents of our daily lives.” He points to the movies, TV shows, and cartoons that have been “canceled” due…
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Penna Dexter On Independence Day this year, some faculty members published a letter to the senior administration at Princeton University. Eventually hundreds signed on. But classics professor Joshua Katz did not. He posted his own “Declaration of Independence” at The lengthy Faculty Letter opens with this sentence: “Anti-Blackness is foundational to America.” As Professor Katz points out, “the Princeton…
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Penna Dexter After some depressing rulings, it was great to get a win for religious liberty and school choice at the U.S. Supreme Court. The 5-4 decision means states that provide assistance to private schools may not exclude some solely because they are religious. In Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Court affirmed, by a slim margin, that the…
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Penna Dexter The foundation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 lies in providing important political and economic protections for blacks. It’s a sweeping law. The Supreme Court tinkered with it recently and not in a good way. Title VII of the law provides powerful protections for women in the workplace. But the High Court’s 6-3 decision, in Bostock v….
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Penna Dexter The extensive looting and rioting piggybacking on the peaceful protests in response to the death of George Floyd are disastrously counterproductive. Criminals and extremists are piling up damages that will result in costs to minority communities — communities they claim to represent — for years to come. Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley provides some history to show…
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Penna Dexter Protests over the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer are, for many participants, really about attaining a Leftist wish list. For others they are an excuse to destroy and loot property. But the persistence of peaceful protests has some Americans wondering: Are we a racist nation? Is there such a thing as systemic racism? Shelby…
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Penna Dexter Some colleges and universities have decided to stop using the SAT and ACT exams to make admissions decisions. The largest system to make such an announcement is the University of California. Its size and prestige will certainly influence others. The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley says, “That’s unfortunate because low-income minorities have more to lose than gain from…
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Penna Dexter A dear friend texted me a photo of her daughter and two classmates on their graduation day from medical school. Decked out in traditional graduation garb — gathered in one of their apartments — these three young doctors were about to go online for their virtual graduation. Many colleges and universities have outright canceled graduation due to Covid-19….
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Penna Dexter Finally, states are allowing — and encouraging — businesses to reopen. But when they attempt to re-hire laid-off workers, many employers are getting a surprising response: “No thank you” We actually should not be shocked by this because the U.S. government has made unemployment pay better than work. The government created this disincentive to work in March by…
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Penna Dexter ‘We’re all homeschoolers now’ became a familiar parental refrain as Americans began a weeks-long ‘shelter-at-home’ period. Some can’t wait to be done with this particular duty. For others, the experience wasn’t as hard as they thought, perhaps more satisfying than expected. Some families may learn from this that they love homeschooling and want to keep it up. Others…
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Penna Dexter The Little Sisters of the Poor is a religious order that runs nursing homes for the poor. They’re back at the U.S. Supreme Court to, hopefully, conclude their nearly-8-year battle against the ObamaCare contraceptive mandate obligating these nuns to provide their employees with birth control. Under the Affordable Care Act, workplace health plans are supposed to cover “preventative…
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