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left_flag Friday, March 6
Friday, March 6, 2020

Today’s Weekend Edition is hosted by Kerby Anderson. With Penna Dexter and from First Liberty, Jeremy Dys, they will discuss the issue of religious freedom, current cases before the Supreme Court and the top news from today.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jeremy Dys Show Page
Jeremy Dys
Senior Counsel - First Liberty Institute
Mr. Dys graduated from Taylor University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, degree in Communication Studies while concentrating his minor study in U.S. History and Philosophy. During his undergraduate career, Dys also studied at the American Studies Program in Washington, D.C. where he interned with the late David Orgon Coolidge as part of the Marriage Law Project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
First Liberty Briefing – Jeremy Dys
In about 90-seconds, three times a week, Jeremy recalls the stories that have shaped America’s religious liberty, from the founding era to current legal battles and more. It’s an insider’s look at the stories, cases, people, and laws that have made America the world’s leader in protecting religious liberty.
Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter
Co-Host - Point of View Radio Talk Show
Penna Dexter is a radio commentator and columnist for various Christian conservative outlets. She is a frequent commentator and guest host for Point of View Radio Talk Show with Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Moody Broadcasting Network and the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s columns appear at Baptist Press and the Christian Post blog page. Penna is an executive at Todd Dexter & Associates, the integrated marketing consulting company founded by her husband, Todd Dexter.

For eight years she served as Marlin Maddoux’s co-host on Point of View and for two years she co-hosted a daily drive time live broadcast on the Dallas-based Criswell Radio Network.

Penna’s interest in conservative politics and the issues that affect the family began when she was a child working on political campaigns with her parents. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in International Relations. She spent 8 years in the banking industry. Penna and her husband Todd are members of Trinity Presbyterian Church, they have three adult children.
Nancy Pelosi prays before the start of the 116th Congress
Attacks on Prayer
By: Jeremy Dys - - March 3, 2019 Opening public meetings with prayer is such a long-standing American tradition that it is puzzling why some continue to seek the demise of the practice based ...
NY Court Judge - swearing oath
Another Judge for DC Court
By: Tim Pearce - - March 05, 2020 A judge sitting on the D.C. Circuit Court will retire in September, allowing President Trump the chance to install a third judge on the influential bench. Judge Thomas ...
crowd of chinese all with masks
World to Fight the Virus
By: Matt Sedensky & John Leicester - - March 6, 2020 The global march of the new virus triggered a vigorous appeal from the World Health Organization for governments to pull out “all the ...
Biden vs. Sanders on debate stage
Biden vs. Sanders
By: Nick Arama - - March 5, 2020 Democrats are certainly in a tough spot for choices at the top of their ticket for the election. You have either the septuagenarian socialist or the ...
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Joe Biden – Not a Socialist, Just a Scoundrel
By: Kevin D. Williamson - - March 5, 2020 He is a vicious partisan, a coward, and a habitual liar. Poor Bernie Sanders! The youth vote failed to show up for him. The youth ...




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