Today Point of View is hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. First Kerby has an hour of instruction about Christians and Economics. Then he welcomes psychologist and marriage and family therapist, Dr. Les Parrott about his new book, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Workbook for Men Updated: Seven Questions to Ask Before—and After—You Marry. Kerby’s next guest is Hope for the Heart’s founder and CSO, June Hunt. And joining him by phone is author Peggy-Sue Wells. They will tell us more about their new book, Bonding with Your Child Through Boundaries.
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Dr. Parrott has been a guest on many radio shows and featured on national television including "CBS This Morning", "Good Morning America", "NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw" "Oprah," "The View" and CNN. His work has been written about in newspapers such as USA Today and the New York Times and many magazines including Men's Health, Family Circle, Redbook and Women's Day.
Les Parrott III, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at Seattle Pacific University. He is also co-creator, with his wife Leslie, of eHarmony Marriage.
Dr. Les Parrott is an award-winning author of more than a dozen best-selling books including High-Maintenance Relationships, The Control Freak, 3 Seconds, Becoming Soul Mates, Your Time Starved Marriage and Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.
Twenty-four exercises will shed amazing new light on the way you are put together, how that affects specific aspects of how you and your loved one relate.

PeggySue's books have been translated into five languages and sold internationally. A frequent radio guest, PeggySue writes for magazines, instructs at writers conferences, is a writing coach, and speaks at corporate, home-school, and women's events. PeggySue serves as board member for RemedyLIVE, where "We chat, we listen, we love.".
In Bonding with Your Child through Boundaries, biblical counselor June Hunt, along with PeggySue Wells, combines biblical hope and practical help to motivate parents to understand and practice appropriate boundaries with their children. Discover the essential role of boundaries, how they contribute to the development of a child’s character, and how they equip kids for a lifetime of learning. Practical “how-to” chapters illustrate how to make boundaries work—guiding parents as they cultivate happy homes and build healthy relationships with their children.

Early family pain was the catalyst that shaped June’s compassionate heart. Later, as a youth director, she became aware of the need for sound biblical counsel. This led June to a lifelong commitment to providing God’s Truth for Today’s Problems.
After years of teaching and research, she developed Counseling Through The Bible, a scripturally-based counseling course addressing approximately 100 topics, such as marriage and parenting, depression and anger, stress and suicide. Now a 5-volume set, this proprietary Biblical Counseling Library “moves people from wrong thinking to right thinking … and from wrong living to right living.”

Christians and Economics
How should Christians behave in today's confusing world? Kerby answers questions about Debt & Credit, Work, Materialism, & Free Enterprise.