Penna Dexter is the host of today’s show. Her first guest is Tim Altman. She and Tim will discuss September’s Suicide Prevention Month and The Hope Line. Her next guests are Jim Czirr and Greg Strause. Penna speaks with them about their Declaration of Independence Project, reminding people of the history and importance of the Declaration. Her final guest is Katie Daniel with sbaprolife. She will share information from The 5th Circuit’s Abortion Ruling. In between, Penna brings us the latest from today’s top stories.
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Jim co-founded what is now Galectin Therapeutics in July of 2000. Between 1995 and 1999 He was instrumental in the development of Safe Science Inc., a developer of anti-cancer drugs and drug development tools. From 2005 to 2008 he served as Chief Executive Officer of Minerva Biotechnologies Corporation. From 1981-84, he founded and managed Czirr Financial Planning. He worked for Connecticut General Life from 1978-1981. Prior to that he was with Procter and Gamble sales management.
In 1976, Mr. Czirr received a B.B.A. degree from the University of Michigan, where he distinguished
himself as an All-Conference football player in the Big Ten Conference in 1975.