Point of View‘s guest host today is Penna Dexter. Her first guest is John Graves, President of Vision America. They will talk about the upcoming Million Voices Program. Next up Penna welcomes Laurie Higgins. Laurie’s topic is education in a pro-propaganda culture. Penna’s next guest is Lindsey Burke. Lindsey is with Heritage Foundation and will discuss Pandemic Pods, an alternative to class room or online education. Her final guest is Tim Winter. He and Penna will discuss the irony of Hollywood rethinking sex scenes.
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His created Acts 20:28 Pastors (2028Pastors.org) provides breakthrough technology to help pastors mobilize Christ-followers to impact the culture. Mr. Graves is passionate about working with like-minded groups and churches across racial, ethnic, and denominational lines to bring spiritual awakening to America.
He created Million Voices (MillionVoices.org) which locates and motivates faith and freedom voters across the nation, utilizing the proprietary technologies of Digital Door KnockingTM .
He and his wife, reside in Texas with their five children and serve in their local church.

Burke holds a bachelor's degree in politics from Hollins University in Roanoke, Va., and a master of teaching degree in foreign language education from the University of Virginia. She earned her Ph.D. in education policy from George Mason University, where she examined the intersection of education choice and institutional theory.

Mr. Winter worked at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), where he led the studio’s Interactive Division and its online and video game publishing ventures. He was also president and chief operating officer at FasTV, Inc., an internet media company. Prior to his work with the Parents Television Council, he was the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Desktop TV, a high tech media firm that delivered live broadcasts of business-oriented cable programming to the enterprise marketplace via internet protocol.
Mr. Winter is the architect of the PTC’s national campaign for Cable Choice. As a father, he believes it is critical that parents be given the opportunity to select and pay for only those cable channels they want and not channels bundled by their cable operator. Cable Choice, he believes, is the ultimate solution for families who want to control the flow of indecent programs that come into the home.
Born and raised in northern Virginia, Mr. Winter graduated from Principia College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. He earned his Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and is a member of the California Bar Association. He resides in the Los Angeles, California, metropolitan area with his wife and their daughter.