Our host Kerby Anderson has a jam-packed show today. First he spends some time with pertinent information from around the world. Then he welcomes Patrick Schreiner who brings us his new book: “The Ascension of Christ.” Then CEO and co-founder of VidAngel, Neal Harmon joins Kerby. They’ll discuss VidAngel & the hit “The Chosen.” During the final hour, Kerby’s guests are Professor George Barna and Tim Wildmon. Professor Barna will talk about Americans’ flawed views on salvation, and President of American Family Radio, Tim Wildmon will talk about Chase Davis & threats against AFA.
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In The Ascension of Christ, Patrick Schreiner argues that Jesus' work would be incomplete without his ascent to God's right hand. Not only a key moment in the gospel story, Jesus' ascension was necessary for his present ministry in and through the church. Schreiner argues that Jesus' residence in heaven marks a turning point in his three-fold offices of prophet, priest, and king. As prophet, Jesus builds the church and its witness. As priest, he intercedes before the Father. As king, he rules over all.

In 1991 AFA started the AFR network which now consist of nearly 200 radio stations. The format is news, information, bible teaching and inspirational music. AFR is the fastest growing radio network of any kind and built more stations in a shorter period of time than any other broadcaster. Other divisions of AFA include the Center for Law & Policy, a firm dealing in religious, First-Amendment and constitutional matters, andAgapePress, an online news provider that is syndicated around the world. AFA uses all these means to communicate an outspoken, resolute, Christian voice in America.