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left_flag Tuesday, August 14
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Kerby will be spend an hour with Michael Youssef. Dr. Michael has a new book, “Life Changing Prayers.” Today’s show topics include the latest ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court on guns to the newest Gallup poll on socialism and capitalism.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Michael Youssef
Michael Youssef
Founder & President - Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef
Michael Youssef is the founder and president of Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, a worldwide ministry that leads the way for people living in spiritual darkness to discover the light of Christ through the creative use of media and on-the-ground ministry teams ( His weekly television programs and daily radio programs are broadcast in 25 languages and seen worldwide, airing more than 13,000 times per week. He is also the founding pastor of The Church of The Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Youssef was born in Egypt, but in 1984, he fulfilled a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen. He holds numerous degrees, including a PhD in social anthropology from Emory University. He has authored more than 35 books, including recent popular titles The Barbarians Are Here and Jesus, Jihad and Peace. He and his wife have four grown children and eight grandchildren.
Life Changing Prayers
They were just ordinary people--a loyal servant, a woman who desperately wanted a child, an old man who still had hope, and a young teenager who couldn't quite believe God's great love. Ordinary people who prayed extraordinary prayers to an extraordinary God. They weren't always eloquent. They weren't always the type of person you might think God would listen to. But they trusted God and his plans for their lives, and that made all the difference.

Life-Changing Prayers tells their stories and shares their desperate, hopeful, and gratitude-filled prayers, inspiring and emboldening readers to ask God for the desires of their own hearts. Anyone who desires to pray life-changing prayers, as well as anyone whose prayer life has grown stagnant or nonexistent, will find here the encouragement to pray confidently and expectantly to the God who always hears--and always answers.
Hand Gun
Florida Stand Your Ground Shooter
By: Sarah Rumpf - - August 13, 2018 Michael Drejka, who killed Markeis McGlockton last month in a shooting that reignited the debate about Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law, has been arrested and ...
A Sig Sauer handgun at annual National Rifle Association (NRA) convention in Dallas, Texas
Ninth Circuit Court and Guns
By: David French - - August 13, 2018 Weeks after issuing some surprisingly sensible Second Amendment jurisprudence, the country’s most liberal federal court is up to its old tricks again. Well, we all knew ...
Views About Capitalism and Socialism: by Age
Democrats – socialism and capitalism
By: Frank Newport - - August 12, 2018 For the first time in Gallup's measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism. Attitudes toward ...




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