Penna Dexter is your host today and she welcomes back Dr. Allen Unruh, nationally known speaker, author and former U.S,. Congressional Candidate. He tells us more about his book, The Politically Incorrect Book of Humor.
In the second hour we stay on the topic of political correctness as we hear from senior contributor at The Federalist.

Let’s stop polluting our language with the word “gender.” Corruption of the English language was Point A on the road to President Obama’s directive to de-privatize and de-sex all school restrooms nationwide. The ploy that got us all into the lazy habit of using the empty term “gender” in place of the accurate word “sex” has its roots in gender ideology, which cultural Marxists pushed for many decades. Since cultural Marxism is nothing but nihilism, it shouldn’t surprise us that “gender” can mean whatever you want or don’t want it to mean. In other words, there’s no there there.
George Orwell’s classic 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language” discusses how easily language can be a tool of political manipulation. Here’s a great excerpt that I think shows us how we got to today’s state of confusion:

That common phrase is among a list of “Words that Hurt” detailed on the public university’s website. The expression “hurts” because it “erases the identities of people who are in the room” and “generalizing a group of people to be masculine,” the website states.
“Sometimes we say words without realizing the impact they may have on others,” it adds. “Take time to educate yourself about language and histories of oppression.”
Under the “pronoun” webpage, the resource center advises saying “Hey y’all” in a group setting instead of “Hey guys!” or “Hey ladies!” It’s cited as a way to “make language more inclusive.”