February 25th, 2020
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By: RNS Press Release – – February 6, 2020 The Classical Difference today released a groundbreaking study completed by the University of Notre Dame’s Sociology department showing that graduates of ACCS schools are more likely to practice spiritual discipline and remain engaged with their faith compared to alumni of other educational institutions and many Christian-raised Millennials. Good Soil: A Comparative Study...
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February 25th, 2020
By: David Goodwin – – December 13, 2016 After twenty-plus years of establishing a school that was inspired by David Hicks’ Norms and Nobility, I still find hope in his work. During that time, I’ve watched some of our graduates crash into the culture and succumb to it, and I’ve had others return years later with that sparkle in their...
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February 13th, 2020
Health Professional scans patient for fever
By: Helen Roxburgh & Laurent Thomet – – February 13, 2020 China’s official death toll from the new coronavirus spiked dramatically on Thursday after authorities changed their counting methods, fuelling concern the epidemic is far worse than being reported. As the figures soared in China, a troubling new front opened abroad as neighbouring Vietnam placed 10,000 people under quarantine after six...
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February 13th, 2020
Stigma Podcast Logo
By: Stephen Hays – stigma-podcast-mental-health – February 10, 2020 Michael Perron is one of my sponsors in recovery. He is also a minister who created and runs the Life Recovery Program at Prestonwood Baptist Church. This program has been very influential in my recovery and was instrumental in saving my life from addiction and mental illness. Michael himself struggled for over...
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January 24th, 2020
James G. Blaine
By: The Editorial Board – – January 20, 2020 When the Montana Legislature created a K-12 scholarship program funded via private donations and tax credits, it was a godsend to Kendra Espinoza. An office assistant by day and janitor by night, the single mom had pulled her two daughters out of public school. One was bullied for studying the...
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December 26th, 2019
By: Jordan Lancaster – – December 26, 2019 Administrators tracking someone’s personal cellphone to monitor their location sounds like something the Communist Party might do in China. But it’s happening right here. Multiple colleges across the country have started tracking the exact location of their students at all times, according to the Washington Post. In a move that school administrators claim will...
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November 15th, 2019
Filling in bubble sheet
By: Julie Roys – – September 4, 2015 A recent survey found that only 25% of public school parents support Common Core, the controversial national standards for English-language arts and math created in 2009 and currently adopted by 43 states. Part of this lack of enthusiasm likely stems from the frustration some feel over the cumbersome methods required by the...
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November 6th, 2019
men shaking hands
By: Dr. Corey Miller – – November 4, 2019 I am a Christian thinker who is committed to persuading university students and faculty of the merits of Christianity. I recently spent two hours talking to a classroom full of students studying atheism at the invitation of the professor who teaches it. That’s because Portland State University Professor Peter Boghossian isn’t afraid to...
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October 7th, 2019
b&w college classroom backlit
By: Thomas Lindsay, Ph.D. – – May 31, 2019 Too many students feel afraid to speak honestly on campus for fear of offending someone, a new national survey of college students says. University censorship regimes are teaching some students not only to live with but to embrace the conformism of thought inculcated through university speech codes, speaker dis-invitations, “safe spaces,” “trigger...
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September 19th, 2019
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By: Todd Starnes – – September 19, 2019 In my new book, Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation, I issued a call to action. I urged gun-toting, Bible-clinging patriots to be men and women of courage. Click here to get my book. And that’s exactly what a group of high school football fans did the other day at...
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