Recent Viewpoints

March 29, 2021
birth-dearth low birth rate

Kerby Anderson Members of a very popular South Korean boy band were denied draft exemptions even though it would reduce revenue to the country. Why? Because there aren’t enough boys available to serve in the military. Lyman Stone uses this illustration to highlight the extremely low birth rate in South Korea. But that country is just one of many examples of what has become a global birth dearth. Fertility rates have been declining in all the developed countries of the…

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March 26, 2021
COVID-19 model over world map &dipping red curve

Penna Dexter Studies are surfacing that show us how effective the shutdowns implemented in response to COVID-19 really were in saving lives.  Were the results worth the dramatic drop in private-sector employment, the lost businesses, the forgone dreams?  Are states with stricter lockdowns more effective in preventing deaths from COVID-19? Chuck DeVore of the Texas Public Policy Foundation points out that “this economic pain should have been rewarded with a lower COVID fatality rate — that’s what we were told…

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March 26, 2021
We Will Not Be Silent

Kerby Anderson Christians and churches are facing significant challenges in America. That is why Dr. Erwin Lutzer wrote his book, We Will Not Be Silenced. It is not only a call to action, but a practical manual on how to address the many challenges we face in a society that is growing more secular every day He takes some time to explain how we got to our current circumstances. Various forces are working to dismantle the core values that made…

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March 25, 2021
lots - waves of money

Kerby Anderson America’s money supply has increased faster than at any time in history, and that should concern you and your family. The reason for the increase in the money supply should be obvious. The government has been pushing stimulus efforts after the economic devastation of the pandemic and the lockdowns. Nearly a quarter (23.6%) of all U.S. dollars were created last year. An equity strategist with Morgan Stanley said that “it’s fair to say we have never observed money…

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March 24, 2021
A man in a suit watches the sunset on the lake shore

Kerby Anderson How should we respond when spiritual heroes fall? That is a question Greg Koukl writes about and discussed with me recently on my radio program. The reason for the discussion centered around Ravi Zacharias, but his wise conclusions are appropriate for any time we see a pastor, elder, or ministry leader fall. He offered five principles to help us think biblically about the issue. First, guard your soul. We don’t have to dwell on all the sordid details…

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March 23, 2021
Rising Social Cost of Carbon

Kerby Anderson It may be the most useless number you have never heard of in government. That number is what is called the “social cost of carbon.” The Obama administration created it years ago as an instrument to argue against fossil fuels and to argue for radical environmental policies. On his very first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order resurrecting the Obama-era social cost of carbon. When it was first created (back in 2010), the cost was…

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March 22, 2021

Kerby Anderson Cancel culture has been around for some time. Most of us have a few examples of the crazy reactions from the woke mob. But the worst may have taken place earlier this month when a musician was cancelled for mentioning a book he read. Matt Walsh observes that “Just when you think we have made it to the farthest reaches of cultural lunacy, and of the cowardice that enables that lunacy, we find still deeper depths to plunge.”…

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March 19, 2021
empty Presidential podium

Penna Dexter The early battles in the new Congress concern how much authority this new progressive government will amass unto itself. HR1 would transfer to the federal government the traditional role of states in running their elections. The Equality Act would require public and private institutions nationwide to privilege LGBT identities over common sense and religious liberties. As lawmakers fight over totalitarian policies, a soft totalitarianism is rising, revealing a more insidious means of controlling Americans. It is not governmental…

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March 19, 2021
Bill Gates's image on Solar Panels

Kerby Anderson In February, Bill Gates published his book, How to Avoid A Climate Disaster. I took the time to read through it in detail because he has been willing to study the issue in depth and invest major funds through his foundation looking for technological answers and breakthroughs. He understands that if we want to address poverty around the world, we need to provide them with energy without releasing more greenhouse gases. And he also acknowledges that he may…

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March 18, 2021
Minimum Wage

Kerby Anderson With the latest push for a $15 minimum wage, it is worth revisiting why many economists and politicians feel it is bad economic policy. Scott Morefield describes some of the consequences of doubling the minimum wage. The first objection is that it will destroy jobs. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that upwards of 1.4 million jobs will be lost if the $15 minimum wage goes into effect. Raising the minimum wage helps those who keep their jobs, but…

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March 17, 2021
troops marching toward the Capital

Kerby Anderson This administration has declared a war on terror, but they aren’t thinking of a war on Islamic terrorism. No, they talk about a war on “violent extremists” in America. You might think they want to go after Antifa and other groups that have been rioting and vandalizing. But I don’t think they are the target either. There is a great deal of ambiguity in defining who are the targets of this new domestic war on extremists. And I…

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