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Not Silenced

We Will Not Be Silent
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Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

Christians and churches are facing significant challenges in America. That is why Dr. Erwin Lutzer wrote his book, We Will Not Be Silenced. It is not only a call to action, but a practical manual on how to address the many challenges we face in a society that is growing more secular every day

He takes some time to explain how we got to our current circumstances. Various forces are working to dismantle the core values that made this country great. History classes and civics classes are rewriting the past, so as to delegitimize our Christian values. Focusing on diversity is used to divide and destroy us.

We live in a world where free speech is under assault. But he explains that it really should be described as “freedom of speech for me, but not for thee.” And much of what is allowed as free speech should really be called propaganda.

Dr. Lutzer also spends some time explaining how school curricula and popular culture are sexualizing the next generation of children. It is spreading sexual confusion and giving children a warped idea of their identity.

He also talks about how socialism is initially attractive to the younger generation. But he also makes a case for capitalism that creates wealth that actually furthers Christian work everywhere. And he reminds us of the threat from those associated with radical Islam who desire to destroy Christianity and capitalism.

He concludes by calling for Christians to be bold. Jesus, speaking to the New Testament church, gives a warning to them and to us. We need to wake up and strengthen what remains.

Dr. Lutzer helps us know how to live out our conviction against a growing tide of hostility. We should show compassion and gentleness to those outside of the faith without affirming their non-Christian beliefs. And we should boldly preach the gospel and live out our Christian faith.viewpoints new web version

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