You’ve heard the news: China is fully abandoning its one-child-per-family birth policy. Now it’s a two-child-per family policy. The Wall Street Journal described China’s one-child policy as “the most notorious of the Communist Party’s intrusions into Chinese lives” and “one of the worst government intrusions on freedom in world history.” The new policy will still limit the number of children a family has, now to two, instead of one. The Journal says this shows “Beijing isn’t ready to totally relinquish…

Recent Viewpoints
Christians who do not want to participate in Obamacare have been able to opt-out by joining one of the Christian health care sharing ministries. In the past, I have talked about how this could be a real option for Christians. These groups do not actually provide health insurance but allow members to send money to a designated individual or the company that are shared with a member with medical expenses. In order to join, you have to agree to the…
America’s Founding Fathers recognized that one of the keys in forming a lasting and effective government is an accurate anthropology.You need to have a right view – of those who will govern, and be governed “If men were angels,” wrote James Madison in Federalist #51″no government would be necessary.” Madison was echoing the great spark of the Reformation, Martin Luther, who said: . . .if all the world were true Christians, there would be neither need nor use for princes,…
You had to see this coming. A recent article in Irish News argues, “that gay cousins should be allowed to marry each other following the same-sex marriage referendum.” After all, the only reason we don’t allow cousins to marry is to protect the genetic pool. This wouldn’t be a problem for gay cousins. Dr. Michael Brown, who supports traditional marriage, takes their argument one step further and asks in a recent column, “Why can’t two gay brothers marry?” He points…
Is it even possible to form a lasting human government? In Federalist #1 – the essays written to support passage of the Constitution, Alexander Hamilton wrote that this experiment in liberty would “…decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.” The Founders knew the history of mankind – a long train…
How did we get here? What I mean is that in the late 18th Century . . . surveys showed that 99.8% of those living in the United States—99.8%—claimed to be either Roman Catholic or Protestant Christians… and the other .2% said they were Jewish. In the late 19th Century – Supreme Court Justice David Josiah Brewer, writing for a unanimous Court – said “this is a Christian nation.” Yet here we are in 2015 . . . five justices…
Later this month the U.N. Climate Change Conference will be held in Paris. You can tell how skewed the environmental priorities of the participants are by looking at one picture that accompanies the op-ed by Bjorn Lomborg. The title of his piece is: This child doesn’t need a solar panel. The picture is of an impoverished half-clothed boy in Mozambique crossing a trash-strewn mud hole. No, this boy and his family need food, clean water, clothing, and much more. But…
If you were asked to do a series on the Founding Fathers of America, who would you select? George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton . . . there are so many from which to choose. But my guess is – you might not think to include Augustine, John of Salisbury, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, John Knox, Guillaume Farel, Christopher Goodman . . . Do you even know those names? Have you ever considered why…
A recent vote in the U.S. Senate highlighted the problem of “sanctuary cities.” Senate Democrats were able to block a vote on a bill called the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act. The 54-45 Senate vote fell short of the 60-vote threshold. Senator David Vitter introduced the legislation, which also included a provision that has been called Kate’s Law. That is a reference to Kate Steinle who was shot by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez in San Francisco. He is an…
The United States military now has its third female Army Ranger. She’s Major Lisa Jaster, a 37-year old engineer, officer in the Army Reserve and mom of two. “A lot of doors can open for women if we go about it the right way,” she said in an interview posted on Facebook. “The right way,” she said, ‘includes being professional, thick skinned, and ensuring that we minimize any special treatment.” Minimize special treatment? A male who went through this year’s…
Dr. Ben Carson has a new book out that should be required reading not only for U.S. citizens but also for many of the presidential candidates. In his book, A More Perfect Union, he provides a detailed introduction and overview of the U.S. Constitution. He was on my radio program recently to talk about the book and some of the things he is hearing as he travels the country on his presidential campaign. Dr. Carson says that understanding government and…