Recent Viewpoints

February 13, 2015

There’s a lot of talk among the Left these days about inequality. President Obama says income inequality is “the defining issue of our time.” His State of the Union address advocated government programs to address it. And inequality comes up as experts attempt to analyze 50 years of a ‘War on Poverty.’ Income inequality is actually a necessary part of a free society. Those with more invest and create businesses for others to work in. The problem is not that…

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February 13, 2015

Most Americans do not like the idea that Sharia law could be implemented in the United States. That is why more than half dozen states have already passed a ban on Sharia law either through the legislature or through a ballot measure. States like Alabama, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee have such bans. Oklahoma voters approved a ban that was struck down by a federal appeals court. Missouri passed a measure banning foreign law, but the…

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February 12, 2015

During certain religious holidays (like Christmas and Easter) you can expect the newsmagazines to trot out a cover story on Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity. They are rarely uplifting to those of us who have a true faith. Often the newsmagazines heavily quote liberal theologians and only mention that there are conservative theologians and millions of Christian who actually believe the Bible and the claims of Christ. So it was not too surprising that Newsweek magazine started the year of…

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February 11, 2015

White House spokesmen have lately been claiming that the Taliban is not a terrorist organization. We can speculate as to why the Obama administration is making this argument in a moment, but let’s look at the facts. Under federal law, a group qualifies as a “foreign terrorist organization” if it meets three requirements. First, it must be foreign. Second, it must be engaged in “terrorist activity” which would include bombings or assassinations. Third, it must be a national security threat…

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February 10, 2015

Dr. Al Mohler recently wrote about the conflict between religious liberty and erotic liberty. He says we are witnessing an unavoidable conflict between the two because erotic liberty is being claimed on the basis of sexual identity and activity. Whenever there is a conflict between religious liberty and erotic liberty, we are being told that religious liberty must lose. One example he uses is the decision to fire Atlanta’s fire chief Kelvin Cochran. He was fired because of his religious…

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February 9, 2015

Should America be the world’s policeman? That was a question I asked my radio audience when I had Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Bret Stephens on to talk about his book, America In Retreat. His argument is that world situations are aflame because America has decided to retreat from a role it inherited after World War II. We currently have a foreign policy that is heavy on rhetoric and light on action. A key part of his argument can be seen…

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February 6, 2015

The Associated Press reported recently on what it calls a “growing trend”:  Kids eating dinner at school. According to the AP, the Los Angeles Unified School District, “is doubling the number of students served dinner, with an eye toward eventually offering it at every school.” School board member, Bennett Kayser, told the AP, “When kids are hungry, they don’t pay attention,” He says, “This is something that should have started years ago.” The LA school district is the nation’s second…

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February 6, 2015

The Supreme Court is ready to once again rule on same-sex marriage, and various cities are passing sexual orientation laws. Is there anything you and your church can do to protect itself from lawsuits and government action? Last week, I had Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel on my radio program. We spent part of our time talking about the constitutional and cultural issues surrounding the impending decision by the Supreme Court on same-sex marriage. Then I turned the conversation to…

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February 5, 2015

Arizona recently enacted a law that requires students to pass a U.S. citizenship exam in order to graduate from high school. Although it is the first state to require this, many other states like Indiana, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia may soon also require this of high school students. Under the law, seniors will need to answer 60 of the 100 exam questions correctly in order to graduate from high school. The exam would include questions like, “What do we…

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February 4, 2015

Let me start with a troubling statistic. America has the highest corporate income tax in the world. When you think of all the countries of the world, some with free markets and many without, it is hard to justify a corporate tax rate of 35 percent. At the very least, many reformers are suggesting that we could have a tax rate in line with the average in other countries, which is about 23 percent. As I have mentioned in previous…

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February 3, 2015

Here is an interesting question. What if the best arguments used by atheists to prove that God does not exist actually prove that He does exist? This is a question that Frank Turek considers in his new book, Stealing From God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case. He is the co-author of the best selling book, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist. His latest book may be even more helpful to those of us who…

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