For decades, crime rates have been declining or stagnant. Now there are more men dying in the streets than in previous years. The murder rates in major American cities (like Milwaukee, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Washington) are rising. The number of murders is outpacing the same period last year by quite a bit. What is different? Progressives say we have too many guns on the street. Inner city youth are settling their scores with guns, so that is why they…

Recent Viewpoints
Each year WORLD Magazine honors Christian poverty-and-exploitation-fighting organizations with its Hope Awards for Effective Compassion. The magazine divides the nation into four regions and names a winner in each, plus an international winner. All the winners are profiled in the magazine and readers are asked to vote. The overall winner receives $25,000 and the regional winners and runners up also receive monetary awards. This is the 10th year WORLD has honored these mostly-small groups which represent thousands of others that…
Political correctness seems to be in full force these days in the public school. And common sense seems to be in short supply. The latest example is Laura who was sent home with a note explaining that she could not bring a Wonder Woman lunchbox to school. I’m not kidding. You must be wondering what could be offensive about bringing a superhero lunchbox to school. The school officials were glad to explain. The dress code of the school requests that…
As we move further into this political campaign season, we will see the liberal mind at work. Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a forensic psychiatrist, has written about the liberal mindset, and we see lots of evidence of its impact on politicians and voters. Here are a few attributes of the liberal mind that he has discovered. It does not preach an ethic of self-reliance or self-determination. It does not advocate moral rectitude or understand the critical role of morality in human…
Taking a stand for traditional marriage can be bad for business. Chick-fil-A found this out. Liberal mayors don’t want these restaurants in their city. And they were nearly shut out of the Denver airport, until common sense began to prevail. Chick-fil-A left the Denver airport years ago and then applied to return. It was one of the most popular food concessions. But they weren’t popular with a few members of the city council. One councilman argued: “we can do better…
A new chapter in the battle between the state and religious liberty has begun. Ground zero became a Rowan County, Kentucky jail County clerk, Kim Davis is not in any way seeking to stop same-sex marriages in her county. She simply doesn’t want to issue those licenses. To do so would make her a participant in that which her faith teaches violates God’s law. She’s fine with recording any legal marriage license. She just doesn’t want her name affixed to…
Are you ready to boycott Oreo cookies? Columnists like Marilyn Katz and presidential candidates like Donald Trump say they are ready to stop eating Oreos because Nabisco’s parent company shut down its Chicago plant and decided to layoff 600 workers. Meanwhile, they are ramping up Oreo-making operations in Mexico. Oreos are an all-American sandwich cookie that was invented by the National Biscuit Company in 1912. We all enjoy the indulgence of dunking them in cold milk. But shipping 600 jobs…
Genocide is a strong word. But it has a precise definition. It now describes the situation with respect to religious minorities, specifically Christians and Yezidis, in areas of the Middle East controlled by ISIS. Christians are being wiped out in the Middle East. In Iraq and Syria, they are being exterminated simply because they are Christians. They are being persecuted, tortured, and killed for their faith. I have a pin inscribed with the Arabic letter “N.” I got it from…
The undercover hidden-camera interviews of Planned Parenthood have been dropped on the American public on a regular basis. About the only response from Planned Parenthood about the videos is that they were “heavily edited.” That response falls flat when you realize that the entire, uncut videos have been made available by the Center for Medical Progress. The real editing of the videos (or should I say censoring) has actually been by the mainstream media. Here’s a good question. Have you…
I recently had former Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz on my radio program to talk about his new book, The Case Against the Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran from Getting Nukes? Although he has been a supporter of the president, he isn’t a supporter of this deal with Iran. We talked about the threat a nuclear-armed Iran would be to the region and especially to Israel. We both questioned whether this deal was really a treaty. If…
Donald Trump has been on the campaign trail saying that United States is losing jobs to China at an astounding rate. Whatever you may think of him, he is correct. A report from the Economic Policy Institute agues that the primary reason for the hemorrhaging of jobs is our growing trade deficit. And it isn’t that we are just losing manufacturing jobs. We are. But we are also losing high-tech jobs faster than any other segment of the economy. The…