Recent Viewpoints

July 2, 2024
Vintage March of Dimes photo - b and w

Kerby Anderson The other day, I saw a TV commercial for the March of Dimes which reminded me that I should do a commentary on what has been called the “March of Dimes Syndrome.” In my government classes, we often talked about it as a textbook example of goal succession. The March of Dimes was created in the 1930s to combat polio. By the 1950s, we had the polio vaccine. But instead of going out of business, the March of…

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July 1, 2024
Protesters - International Transgender Day of Visibility in Tucson, AZ

Kerby Anderson Is much of the transgender ideology backfiring? Consider this recent poll by Pew Research. For the last seven years, they have been asking this question: “Which statement comes closer to your views? A) Whether someone is a man or a woman is determined by the sex they were assigned at birth, or B) Someone can be a man or a woman even if that is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.” I acknowledge that the…

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June 28, 2024
Marriage in dictionary

Penna Dexter On a recent trip to Greece, I learned that during the Athenian Golden Age, 449-431 BC, there emerged a fervent belief in the ability of man.  Our tour leader, David Sparks explained the development of democracy in ancient Greece, which culminated in Athens taking power from the hands of a single ruler or aristocratic ruling class and redistributing that power to all male citizens regardless of social or economic status. “Each male citizen over eighteen was allowed participation…

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June 28, 2024
Millennial Afro-American man and woman Gospel singers - worship God

Kerby Anderson The latest polls show a moral slide of generations. A good example can be found in George Barna’s American Worldview Inventory 2024. He concludes that “what Millennials began, Generation Z is accelerating.” This is a generational transformation of this country’s moral landscape. Let’s begin at the top level and then work down to specific moral issues. The percentage of Americans who have a biblical worldview has been declining over five consecutive generations. The number of adults with a…

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June 27, 2024
young Trump Voters

Kerby Anderson How effective will the political campaigns this fall appeal to young voters? Most don’t like the fact that 2024 looks like 2020. And as one of my radio guests explained: “I am 28, and I am not excited about having a candidate running who is the reverse of my age (82).” New polling from Democratic firm Blueprint shows how skeptical and disillusioned young voters are about their choices for president and members of Congress and the state legislatures….

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June 26, 2024
Harlem_Success Academy

Kerby Anderson We know that many of our public schools are failing. Therefore, it is encouraging to hear a success story. That is what John Stossel brings in a recent video. Although the public schools in his home state of New York are producing kids with below average scores, he points to one exception. The school is aptly named the Success Academy. It succeeds, he explains, where government-run schools fail. The chain of 50 schools is run by a former…

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June 25, 2024
masked hospital worker holds frozen embryo

Kerby Anderson When the Southern Baptist Convention met a few weeks ago, the messengers adopted a resolution about in vitro fertilization (known as IVF). While it is unusual for the nation’s largest Protestant denomination to debate medical ethics, they felt a need to respond to the recent ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court on IVF. The mainstream press reported this as an attempt to condemn the practice. The actual statement was to “reaffirm the unconditional value and right to life of…

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June 24, 2024
Map of Tajikistan and surrounds

Kerby Anderson Depending on the news source you have, you may or may not have heard about the arrest of eight individuals from Tajikistan who are suspected terrorists. In case you are unfamiliar with that country, it is at least 95 percent Muslim and located near Afghanistan, Pakistan, and communist China. Put another way, they come from a country that has been a hotbed for radical Islamic terrorism. The FBI and other intelligence agencies believe these eight illegal aliens were…

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June 21, 2024
Ruins of Ancient Corinth

Penna Dexter I recently returned from a trip to Greece. One cannot go far in that country without being confronted with evidence of the rise and fall of great civilizations. We spent a day in and around Corinth, a wealthy ancient Greek city, destroyed by the Romans in 156 BC. The Romans killed all the men in Corinth and enslaved the women — and the children. The victorious Roman army sacked the city, utterly destroying it. In 146-144 BC, Julius…

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June 21, 2024
Mushroom cloud from Nuclear Bomb

Kerby Anderson Nuclear war may be unthinkable, but we need to think about it, so it doesn’t occur. Recently at a China-Russia summit, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin proclaimed, “There can be no winners in a nuclear war, and it should never be fought.” While we can take comfort in their statement, we also need to realize these two leaders have threatened the use of nuclear arms in the past. In his latest book, The End…

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June 20, 2024
HMS Sutherland in Yokosuka, Japan, 2018

Kerby Anderson The world keeps getting increasingly more dangerous. Robert Clark provides several examples. There is the “war in Ukraine; China’s increasingly bellicose actions in the South China Sea and its little-talked-about nuclear proliferation; and Iranian aggression that threatens the existence of Israel, the lives of U.S. forces and their allies in the Middle East, and the security of global shipping lanes.” All of that is enough for any of us to avert our eyes and focus on something else….

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