Kerby Anderson The final report for 2022 from the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics was positive for the country and for the Biden administration. They estimated that 159 million Americans were employed in December, which was an increase of 717,000 from the previous month. When we were talking about these good numbers on radio, I also added that the low unemployment numbers don’t include the millions of workers who have dropped out of the labor force. When I say…
Recent Viewpoints
Penna Dexter About a year ago, the Biden Administration announced a policy change, stating it will allow pharmacies to fill prescriptions for abortion pills. Last week the FDA began implementation by formalizing a process so that retail pharmacies can become certified to stock mifepristone, the first drug in the 2-drug chemical abortion regimen. Mifepristone cuts off progesterone, which is required to sustain a pregnancy. The nation’s two largest pharmacy chains, CVS and Walgreens, announced they will take advantage of this…
Kerby Anderson One of the most influential figures in the development of the American government was the English philosopher, John Locke. Thomas Jefferson explained that many of the ideas he drafted into the Declaration of Independence came from Locke. Joe Locante, who has been a guest on my radio program, has written an insightful essay on “The Gospel According to Locke.” As you might gather from the title, he spends much of his essay showing the connections between Locke’s philosophy…
Kerby Anderson Before Senator Ben Sasse left Congress, he penned an op-ed describing the division in America. He isn’t the first person to talk about our divided country, and he certainly won’t be the last. But he brings a keen understanding to the discussion as a historian and as a member of the US Senate. He believes the “most important divide in American politics isn’t red versus blue. It’s civic pluralists versus political zealots. This is the truth no one…
Kerby Anderson When the year 2022 was coming to an end, and when a new Congress convened in 2023, there were a few articles talking about saving America. I thought I would add my thoughts to this growing list of what needs to be fixed in this country. Soon I will be traveling to various radio stations and will speak at listener events. One question I often get is whether it is even possible to save America. As a Christian,…
Kerby Anderson Yesterday I talked about the moral philosophy known as “effective altruism” that has been promoted by the ultra-rich and by CEOs of certain corporations. Noah Gould explains that this latest fad of progressives has been used by some to commit fraud and abuse. The people we will discuss here are the exception, but they illustrate how repeating the right woke phrases have been used to cover some significant misdeeds. Sam Bankman Fried is the current example. The so-called…
Kerby Anderson The ultra-rich in America have been pursuing a philosophy known as “effective altruism.” This phrase has been in the news lately because Sam Bankman Fried often used it to justify his various donations. He has been charged with eight counts of fraud and conspiracy. That indictment isn’t providing a positive image for this philosophy of giving. In the January issue of The Spectator, Leighton Woodhouse refers to these people as “Bad Samaritans.” The online version has this title:…
Penna Dexter If the expected red wave had taken place in November, the US House of Representatives would have remained the dysfunctional body it has been for 20 years. But, since Republicans won the House by only a narrow margin, the man expected to become Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, had a battle on his hands. During the four-day, 15-round Speaker election, 20 conservatives, mostly members of the House Freedom Caucus, negotiated needed structural fixes. A key concession is the Speaker’s agreement…
Kerby Anderson We should be encouraged that the pendulum is swinging back to an embrace of free speech. Changes at Twitter along with a Supreme Court case that will likely uphold free speech are encouraging signs. But the problem will continue because of what is taught and implemented at many universities. For example, nearly half of the younger generation polled in a University of Chicago survey say that colleges should limit freedom of speech “in extreme cases.” This would include…
Kerby Anderson A new report from the Family Research Council documents that there have been more than 400 “acts of hostility” against churches in the US since 2018. If I had written the report, I think I would have used other words than “acts of hostility,” but this rather tame description is probably best. These attacks have taken place in 45 different states and in Washington, DC. Most of those attacks have been what they refer to as “pro-abortion acts…
Kerby Anderson Because of the continuing advances in medicine, you would assume that each generation would be healthier than the previous generation. My grandfather was a doctor who encountered diseases that doctors in the 21st century have never seen and only read about in textbooks. One demographer at the University of New Hampshire noted that 24 states had more deaths than births in the year covered by the report. In the past, it was unusual for even five states to…