Recent Viewpoints

November 3, 2021
Wuhan Institute of Virology

Kerby Anderson When do too many coincidences add up to something more than a coincidence? If your neighbor wins the state lottery, there is nothing too remarkable about that. After all, someone would probably win. If he won it again, you might start to think that was a remarkable coincidence. But if he won it a third time, you can be assured that the lottery commission would investigate the matter and not chalk it up to an incredible coincidence. Let’s…

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November 1, 2021
Afghanistan dusty

Kerby Anderson Today is election day, but it isn’t as significant as a presidential election or even an off-year congressional election. Nevertheless, Americans are going to the polls to vote and may illustrate the mood of the electorate during this time of turmoil. Victor Davis Hanson describes the striking dichotomy. “The United States should be at its pinnacle of strength.” It is preeminent in goods and services as well as its university graduate programs. The military is the best funded…

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November 1, 2021

Kerby Anderson A few weeks ago, I talked about legislation being considered that would allow the IRS to review every bank account that has at least a $600 balance or had more than $600 of transactions within a year. Senate Democrats realized that was too controversial, so they’re suggesting the IRS report on individual accounts of $10,000. This new proposal really isn’t much of a difference, since most Americans spend more than $10,000 a year. It will reduce the privacy…

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October 29, 2021

Penna Dexter With a climate change confab taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, I thought I’d share the response of a woman, in perhaps her 60’s or 70’s, to a young grocery clerk who suggested that next time she bring her own reusable grocery bag because “plastic bags are not good for the environment.” When the woman apologized, the clerk pointed out that “your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations.” Well, green has become a…

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October 29, 2021
China’s Hypersonic Missile

Kerby Anderson The latest news out of China has been a cause for concern and perhaps a wake-up call to consider what the communist leaders are planning. China tested a hypersonic nuclear-capable missile. Hypersonic vehicles travel at Mach 5 or faster. They are not defensive weapons and fly in the low atmosphere, enabling them to evade defense systems. One source said, “We have no idea how they did this.”  One report said that the test revealed that China “was far…

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October 28, 2021
AG Merrick Garland & Sen Chuck Schumer

Kerby Anderson Attorney General Merrick Garland may have tipped over a string of dominos when he issued his memorandum concerning protesting parents at school board meetings. That is the argument Roger Kimball makes in a recent article. He says the Attorney General wants to “mobilize the entire police power of the state against parents” because they “have suddenly woken to the wokeness haunting their schools.” Parents don’t like what is happening and rightfully believe they should have a voice. “They…

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October 27, 2021
Voter Fraud Prosecution

Kerby Anderson One question I am frequently asked is: Why isn’t the government prosecuting voter fraud? My quick answer is that state and local governments are charging people with voter fraud, but often the media isn’t reporting it. News outlets may not think it is an important story. Or they may fear that reporting the prosecutions would stimulate more questions about the security of our vote. Not reporting investigations into voter fraud makes it easier for critics of voter integrity…

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October 26, 2021
The Dying Citizen - Book Covers

Kerby Anderson It is unfortunately too easy to take for granted America and the freedom we enjoy. Victor Davis Hanson reminds us of what we currently enjoy in his new book, The Dying Citizen. You may not want to attempt to read this 400-page masterpiece, so you can get the general idea by reading his short article that summarizes some of the arguments in the book. We can begin with the sad fact that only about half of the world’s…

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October 25, 2021
Elon Musk

Kerby Anderson Candidate Joe Biden assured us that in order to pay for all the government spending he proposed, he would only tax the rich. He promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. Most of us knew that was not true. But if you still have any doubts, you only need look at the latest proposal to have the IRS and banks spy on you. I am talking about the requirement for banks to…

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October 22, 2021
women enlisted in military

Penna Dexter Every year, Congress funds the military by passing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  The bill is again working its way through Congress, with a disturbing twist. The House version contains a provision that requires all women ages 18-35 to register for the Selective Service, just as men are required to do. The Senate Armed Services Committee has agreed to a similar amendment. The full Senate has not yet voted. Currently, only “male persons” are required to register…

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October 22, 2021
Theistic Evolution

Kerby Anderson How can we resolve the apparent tension between the scientific presentation of evolution and the Bible? Christians attempt to reconcile the two views by saying that evolution is true, and that’s the mechanism God used. Prominent organizations such as Biologos insist that theistic evolution (sometimes called evolutionary creation) is a superior view because of the evidence for evolutionary theory. Authors of a new book challenge that assumption based on their scientific understanding and their theological concerns. The book,…

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