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2024 Election Central

Election Central

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Election Resources Map SlideVoter GuidesA Biblical Point of View on The Importance of Voting
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Featured Resources

first liberty pillar logo
First Liberty’s Election Resource CenterFirst Liberty’s best resources to help you be educated on the rights pastors and churches have during elections, how your …September 5, 2024
Voting: Your Biblical Duty
Voting: Your Biblical DutyFrom our friends at Coral Ridge Ministries…. Are you prepared to cast a biblically informed vote this November? God requires …September 3, 2024
DNC Platform Cover Shot
The 2024 Democratic Party PlatformEvery four years, Democrats from across the country join together to craft our party’s platform. The platform is created to …August 25, 2024
RNC Platform Cover shot
The 2024 Republican Party PlatformToday and together, with Love for our Country, Faith in our People, and Trust in God’s Good Grace, we will …August 23, 2024