October 3rd, 2024
people look at posters of Israeli hostages
Has this final, cataclysmic war taken place yet, along with the promised end-time victory for Israel?
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September 10th, 2024
IDEA logo
The famous philosopher of science Karl Popper wrote that all scientific theories must be falsifiable. In order for a theory to be held tentatively and have an empirical basis, Popper argued that it must be subject to falsification and it must be able to be subjected to meaningful tests.
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August 8th, 2024
long straight 2-lane road heading into storm Lightening
Will America be transformed by a “Fourth Turning” crisis?
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June 17th, 2024
The election is still five months away. Most observers say that it is too late to change candidates, but is it? Five months is an eternity in politics.
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April 30th, 2024
atomic cloud rises July, 1946, Bikini Island
A new book lays out the frighteningly fast path to nuclear Armageddon. Source: 72 Minutes Until the End of the World? – POLITICO
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April 15th, 2024
Book Cover - The Event
Discovery Missions is a 501 (c) 3, non-taxable corporation and is the teaching phase of Dr. Frazier’s ministry. Through Discovery Missions you will find helpful resource and teaching materials as well as links to other excellent ministry sites. We are also pleased to provide sound biblical answers to many of the most often asked questions concerning Bible Prophecy and the...
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February 28th, 2024
crowd of party-goers Carnival in Brazil
After pop star’s surprise witness ends with a bang, evangelical leaders discuss whether to axe apocalypse talk as ineffective evangelism.
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January 2nd, 2024
graphic - 2024 future predictions
If it’s New Year’s, it must be time for resolutions and predictions
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October 26th, 2023
Tucker Carlson in Washington
Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson gave a sharp speech on Tuesday where he warned that America’s current trajectory could lead to its possible downfall.
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October 13th, 2023
Friends and relatives of Ilai Bar Sade mourn next to his grave
What should Christians be doing in the light of all this? Two things.
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