As a book publisher, I advise authors never to promote their title until it’s available in bookstores across America.
Today I am breaking one of those cardinal rules of publishing.
That’s because I am shortly publishing a book I only wish I wrote, even though I know the author did a much better job than I could ever do myself. Nevertheless, I am just a little bit envious of the title and the contents.
It’s called “When a Jew Rules the World” by New York Times best-selling author Joel Richardson.
As you might expect from the title, it’s about the Millennial Kingdom, the thousand-year reign of Jesus-Yeshua on planet Earth, which follows what I believe is His imminent return.
It’s a completely necessary book because most Christians simply don’t know what to expect when He comes back – even though, as Richardson explains through a thorough review of Bible prophecy, it’s clear from a reading of Jesus-Yeshua’s own words as well as all the writings of the Hebrew prophets.
Source: Joseph Farah,