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Campaign of Terror Against Trump

The Left’s Post-Trump Win Campaign of Terror

A few months back, I wondered aloud here why campus leftists would invite fellow students to bite the heads off fetus cookies. Or what purpose was served by hanging a Jesus dartboard in a dorm. The answer I found was simple. And alarming.

The left in America is engaged in what Catholic philosopher Thomas Molnar called “cultural terrorism.” As someone who survived both a Nazi concentration camp and post-war Stalinist Hungary, Molnar knew whereof he spoke. And the post-election actions of America’s left, from the streets of major cities to the halls of Congress itself, come straight from the radical playbook of Saul Alinsky and his disciples (which included both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton).

Cultural terrorism is designed to work much like the bombs-and-bullets variety, using words and symbols instead. Its objectives, laid out in Molnar’s classic, The Counter-Revolution, are

To shatter the sense of normalcy, peace, and civic order that make it possible to live a middle-class existence in a free society.
To profane the sacred spaces and shatter the pious conventions that hold citizens together by wholesome inertia.
To introduce division, fear, distrust, and ethnic groupthink — whatever it takes to detach people from their natural deference to legitimate, elected authority.
To produce a sense of crisis, in which radical ideologies and rash actions seem no longer off the table, but somehow proportionate and maybe even necessary.

The Worse Things Get, the Better it is!

The Italian Communists used to cooperate with neo-Fascist terrorists planting bombs in the 1970s, under the slogan, “The worse things get, the better it is!” Their theory was that social chaos and widespread killing would lead to a crackdown by the government, which would speed up the coming of a Communist revolution. On a lesser scale (so far) that is where we are today.

I doubt that the average outraged campus snowflake or needlessly frightened black or Latino protestor has any idea of how he is being used, but the leaders behind the unrest across America are self-aware, and politically ruthless — as were the organizers of the Occupy movement. That fact was documented in Occupy Unmasked, which Trump strategist Stephen Bannon helped to make.

When radical activists encourage thousands of ghetto residents to block public roads, and cossetted students to mock and defy police, they are attacking the sense of predictable public order. When protestors gather outside the Trump International Hotel in our nation’s capital holding a sign that says “Rape Melania,” they are asking for a street fight with Trump supporters — or really, any passerby possessed of a sense of decency. The leaders who organize these outrages are hoping that something gets violent and ugly — that an outraged (white) motorist runs somebody down, or a stressed-out cop (of any color) starts shooting civilians. All that would feed into and verify their manufactured emergency, give millions more citizens the false impression that we are approaching martial law.

Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste

If that sounds outrageous and implausible to you, keep in mind the Clintonite mantra “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Remember that Wikileaks revealed the fact that a senior Clinton campaign staffer hoped that mass shooters would turn out to be white Christians. Recall that the riots in 1968 that handed vast cultural power to the radical left in West Germany were started when a policeman shot a student. Decades later, it turned out that the policeman was in fact an East German spy, who probably acted on orders to light the spark for revolution.

What does it mean when the losers in an election announce that the winner is “Not My President”? When reporters give millions of dollars in free publicity to a contemptible fringe figure like white nationalist Richard Spencer, who played no role whatsoever in the election of Donald Trump? (The Communist Party, USA endorsed Hillary Clinton. Had she won, would the media have featured its leader in alarmist photo spreads?) What does it signify when Trump’s newly-elected Vice President cannot even attend a Broadway show without being challenged and humiliated? When the next president’s appointees (such as Steve Bannon and Sen. Jeff Sessions) are subject to a non-stop campaign of lies and vilification as racists and extremists, outside the bounds of decent society and therefore ineligible for office?

We must frustrate attempts at character assassination on decent men whom President-elect Trump appoints to office, and wait out this national paroxysm of elitist rage and envy.

Recall that before the election, Hillary Clinton herself discounted half of Trump’s supporters as “deplorables” motivated by hatred. Outraged, out-of-touch elitists cannot accept the fact that their fellow citizens rejected their grab at power — which remember, was supposed to pack the Supreme Court with far-left mandarins who would have taken critical issues, from abortion and gun rights to free campaign speech and religious liberty, out of the hands of the grubby, untrustworthy masses. These privileged “progressives” came so close to attaining that final liquidation of democracy that they could taste it. And now they’re not willing to let it go.

They will go on and on and on, promoting civil disorder and stoking the flames of division, in the hope that something goes horribly, bloodily wrong in some American city. Then they can send out their experts in “healing” and “reconciliation” across the media, and demand that the Trump administration back off on its central policies — which will clearly have proved to be too “radical” and “provocative.” To ease the crisis which they provoked, they will work up bipartisan measures with bland, defeatist establishment Republicans, so both parties can work together to annul the effects of Trump’s historic victory.

For our part, we must stay calm. We must insist in firm but measured tones on the legitimacy of our country’s last democratic election. We must frustrate attempts at character assassination on decent men whom President-elect Trump appoints to office, and wait out this national paroxysm of elitist rage and envy. We must pray that Trump’s supporters, and policemen across America, have the patience and long-suffering to let these arsonists’ fires simply burn themselves out. Then normalcy will return. We must stand firm by principles, insist on justice and order, and turn the other cheek. Do anything else, and the cultural terrorists win.

Source: John Zmirak,