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Conservative lawmaker may seek vote to oust Boehner

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said he or another conservative lawmaker may seek a privileged vote next month to oust Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) from his leadership position.

Meadows told The Daily Signal that he or another conservative lawmaker may file a privileged motion to “vacate the chair” and force a vote on who should be the House leader.

In July, Meadows offered a non-privileged motion to vacate the chair. That motion did not actually force a vote on Boehner’s removal.

Offering a privileged motion would force a vote on the House floor.

“It’s very easy to say you are willing to pay any cost. It’s a very different thing to actually be willing to go through and lay it all on the line,” Meadows told The Daily Signal.

Conservative critics of Boehner criticized the Meadows motion in July. Even lawmakers typically opposed to Boehner considered the resolution ill-advised.

But Meadows insisted there are “many more” than 29 Republicans who would vote to oust the Ohio Republican.

Meadows has battled with GOP leaders for much of the summer. After he voted against a House GOP rule on trade legislation this summer, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) punished Meadows by stripping him of his subcommittee gavel.


Source: Jesse Byrnes,





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