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Pray for America

2020 may be nearly over, but the COVID-19 pandemic is clearly not. In recent weeks, the U.S. has seen quite a spike in positive cases. Of course, increased testing capacity always results in a spike of recorded cases. But the current spike we’re seeing is a cause for concern.

As Fox News reported at the beginning of December, “More than 100,000 patients are hospitalized due to the novel coronavirus in the U.S. for the first time since the outbreak began in early 2020.” In some regions, hospitals are reaching capacity and running out of medical supplies. And the virus is spreading fast. Positive cases in the U.S. have surged to 15 million, increasing by 1 million in just a week.

Even as we stand up for our Constitutional rights and work for a stronger economy, we must pray for an end to this pandemic. It poses a real threat, particularly to the elderly and those with compromised immune systems — and that threat is heightened when hospitals and healthcare workers are maxed out.

So will you pray with me? Here are a few specific things we can pray for together:

  • That God would intervene to protect America, and provide us all with the wisdom, compassion, and hope that we need in these times
  • That God would protect healthcare workers and other first responders as they risk their own health to help those who are sick
  • That God would give guidance to our state, local, and national leaders so that they can find common-sense solutions that help to mitigate the spread without harming Americans
  • That a safe vaccine would quickly become available to protect those most at risk

When we agree together in prayer, powerful things can happen. Thank you for joining me.

Sincerely in Christ,

Kerby Anderson, Host
Point of View