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Culture Impact Team Manual

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Christians are dual citizens. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God by faith in Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20). We are also citizens of an earthly “kingdom.” Consequently, we have obligations in both realms. Jesus commanded: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Matt. 22:21). As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we are to serve Jesus above all others as the King of Kings. As citizens of America, we are to submit to the civil government and obey the just laws of the land as a positive witness (1 Peter 2:15-17; Rom. 13:1-7). If the laws of the two kingdoms come into clear conflict, then as Peter and the Apostles put it: “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Our allegiance is first, last and always to Christ and his Kingdom, but we also have a responsibility as citizens of our nation.

Culture Impact Team Manual

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