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Hillary’s America – Democratic Party History

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D’Souza links progressives’ sordid, racist past to the Clintons’ current corruption. Dinesh D’Souza, the social commentator who shook up Hollywood with the $33 million earned by his Obama 2016 film, is back with Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.

The film is his response to constant Democratic attacks on Republicans as racist, greedy, and callous toward minority interests. Hillary’s America takes a two-by-four to the racist, greedy, and callous episodes in the Democratic party’s past. He then links this history to Hillary Clinton’s progressive values and to her tutelage under radical community organizer Saul Alinsky.

It is over the top in places and definitely selective, but the troubling facts are accurate and extensively documented in the D’Souza book that accompanies the movie. The film is intensely patriotic, and D’Souza told me at the movie’s premiere at the GOP convention in Cleveland that it is a must-see for Americans. He believes Democrats this election year are trying to — in President Obama’s words — “fundamentally transform” America into something the Founding Fathers wouldn’t recognize.

This isn’t just rhetorical overkill. Glenn Thrush reported this week in Politico on Obama’s agenda in the waning days of his presidency:

This isn’t just rhetorical overkill. Glenn Thrush reported this week in Politico on Obama’s agenda in the waning days of his presidency: Obama’s ultimate goal in his final year has been strikingly ambitious, according to those I spoke with: not only blocking from office the birther who questioned his legitimacy as president, but preserving the Democratic Party’s hold over the presidency during an era of anti-establishment turbulence. Obama, always one to embrace a grand goal, talks in terms of creating “a 16-year era of progressive rule” to rival the achievements of Roosevelt-Truman and to reorient the country’s politics as a “Reagan of the left,” as one of his longtime White House advisers put it to me.

In 2014, D’Souza pleaded guilty to campaign-finance violations in a case that may well have involved selective prosecution. He donated $20,000 to a Republican friend from Dartmouth, Wendy Long, who was running a sure-to-lose senatorial campaign against Kirsten Gillibrand in New York, though he never told Long he’d donated the money and he received nothing in return. D’Souza told me that his searing eight-month experience in a federal halfway house led him to draw his own conclusions about the ultimate goal of Hillary and Obama.