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Impeachment Witnesses

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)
By: Matt Vespa – – November 13, 2019

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is the starting quarterback for the Democrats’ impeachment effort. The Left has taken the Trump-Ukraine story hook, line, and sinker. It’s even shoddier than the Russian collusion myth. A whistleblower alleged that Trump had shaken down the Ukrainian political leadership to investigate Hunter Biden’s board position on a Ukrainian energy company or risk having military aid withheld. The so-called whistleblower did not listen in on the call, it’s all based on secondhand information, and Ukraine did get the aid. This wasn’t even brought up during the call per the transcript released by the Trump White House. Also, during testimony today in front of the House Intelligence Committee from State Department officials Bill Taylor and George Kent, there really wasn’t any quid pro quo.

Rachael Bade 
Truly remarkable. Rep. Mike Turner, a moderate and defense/foreign policy guru, is telling both witnesses that their testimony is hearsay and wouldn’t be allowed in a court of law.
Guys, Rs are NOT going to vote for impeachment…
Jason Chaffetz 
Wow. The Democrats really have nothing.
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This so-called whistleblower is a reported CIA agent, a registered Democrat, and has worked with a 2020 Democratic candidate. His complaint was viewed by Adam Schiff’s staff before it was filed. The first phase of this impeachment process was being carried out in secret. Democrats didn’t want open hearings. Open hearings are what exposed the collusion narrative as a hoax. They tried to keep this in the bunker for as long as they could, only giving Republicans on the committee brief summaries based on hours of testimony that could only be read with a Democratic staffer present. Schiff even directed witnesses to ignore GOP questions when this process was shrouded in secrecy (via Fox News):

House Republican leaders, in a fiery news conference …said House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., prevented a witness in the latest impeachment hearing from answering certain questions from Republican members.

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told reporters that Schiff shut down a Republican line of questioning during a hearing with Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the latest current or former Trump administration official to come before Congress in relation to the impeachment probe.

“When we asked [Vindman] who he spoke to after important events in July — Adam Schiff says, ‘no, no, no, we’re not going to let him answer that question,”‘ Jordan said.

Jordan went on to say that Schiff seemed to be breaking his own rules for the hearings, implying the chairman was acting almost as a “lawyer” for Vindman.


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Source: It Looks Like the Star Witnesses in Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Effort Just Torched the Democrats’ Narrative