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Irrational Lunchbox Ban

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Ridiculous stories about political correctness float around the Internet like so much ocean garbage. Occasionally, one washes up on Good Morning America with a larger story to tell.

A little girl named Laura was sent home with a note because she had brought a Wonder Woman lunchbox to school. (The website the Mary Sue first reported the story, from a post on the social-media site Imgur.) In the letter addressed to Laura’s parents, the school explained: The dress code we have established requests that the children not bring violent images into the building in any fashion — on their clothing (including shoes and socks), backpacks and lunchboxes.

We have defined “violent characters” as those who solve problems using violence. Superheroes certainly fall into that category. That’s true. You know who else falls into that category? George Washington and all the Founding Fathers. It also includes Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and every other U.S. president, including Barack Obama. (He solved the problem of Osama bin Laden with SEAL Team Six.) One needn’t get too provocative, but the Hebrew and Muslim prophets and even Jesus saw violence as a solution to at least some problems. (Just ask the money-changers in the temple.)


Source: Jonah Goldberg, http://www.nationalreview.com




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