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Kamala Harris is Wafer Thin

Kamala smiles and waves from the campaign trail
By: Rich Lowry – – August 21, 2024

Can they really make this work?

It is appropriate that Kamala Harris is from the town of Oakland, Calif., of which it was famously said there was no there there.

It is hard to think of another presidential nominee who has felt so utterly superficial — not as a campaign tactic, but as a reality.

Certainly, she’s nowhere close to as compelling, distinctive, and commanding as Barack Obama and Donald Trump when they rose to become their parties’ nominees.

She’s not the instigator and leader of a movement, the way those two men were (the coalition of the ascendant and MAGA, respectively).

She doesn’t have a distinct mode of politics…

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Source: Kamala Harris Is Wafer Thin | National Review