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Most Hostile Year for Religious Liberty

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As a Liberty Watch subscriber and reader, you’re someone with a special insight into the critical question that will define the future of our nation:

Will we remain “one nation, under God,” a nation whose national motto “In God We Trust” continues to describe our best aspirations? Or will we descend into spiritual sterility, with the unraveling of our social fabric and moral strength?

Because you read Liberty Watch and pay attention to the work of Liberty Institute, you understand that America is at a crossroads—a point where we will either preserve or lose our religious liberty. So I wanted to briefly write to you about three key issues:

1)    Why 2015 was the most hostile year to religious freedom in our nation’s history.
2)   Why the severe tests of 2015 only set the stage for the greater tests our religious freedom faces in 2016.  3)   Something you personally can do to help influence the outcome.


In 2015, you lived through something no generation of Americans before you experienced: the most hostile year to religion and religious freedom in our 239 years as a country.

In 1776 we began with an official governmental declaration that there was a “Creator” who had endowed us with “unalienable rights,” and a little over a decade later we enshrined a Constitution whose first liberty in the First Amendment guaranteed “free exercise” of religion.


Source: Kelly Shackelford,http://blog.libertyinstitute.org