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Political Corruption

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It’s not just the corruption that shocks — it’s the flagrant, shameless display of it.

It wasn’t shocking news that Barack Obama’s FBI refused on Tuesday to recommend indictment for felonious former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. The utterly transparent corruption, however — that was shocking.

Let’s take a look at the timeline.

Last Wednesday, a local CBS reporter spotted former president Bill Clinton meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix airport. No photographs were permitted by the FBI. That same day, the Obama administration announced that Obama would fly Hillary Clinton to North Carolina on Tuesday aboard Air Force One to campaign with her. On Saturday, the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton for three hours, before she flew off to a performance of Hamilton in New York City. On Sunday, the New York Times reported that Hillary might retain Lynch as her attorney general. On Tuesday morning, FBI director James Comey announced a press conference, to take place just hours before Clinton and Obama were to begin campaigning. There, Comey listed a long litany of reasons Hillary Clinton should be indicted, before concluding that he would not recommend her indictment.

Finally, Obama stood on stage in North Carolina and lavished praise on Hillary — and he allowed her to speak from his podium, festooned with the presidential seal.

This sort of open moral debauchery would have made Boss Tweed blush.

The question, then, isn’t whether the Democrats are crooked, as Donald Trump says. They’ve been crooked since they traded the presidency. The question is why they don’t care about shedding their decency, Miley Cyrus–style, then twerking around the stage of American politics.

There are two possible answers.

First, the practical: They don’t fear the consequences.

Democrats used to engage regularly in corruption, but they also had the comfort of a monopolistic media to protect them. In 1964, LBJ ordered a CIA agent to monitor Barry Goldwater’s campaign; the CIA actually planted a source in the Goldwater campaign, who funneled advance copies of Goldwater’s speeches to LBJ. LBJ ordered the FBI to bug Goldwater’s campaign airplane as well. When Nixon did far less in 1972, his presidency collapsed. Democrats reaped the benefit of a compliant, one-sided media that favored the Left.


Source: Ben Shapiro, nationalreview.com