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Presidential Politics/Planned Parenthood

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Carly Fiorina’s Mystery Foundation

The Fiorina Foundation is run by an organization that has distributed funds to Planned Parenthood. Oh, and the Fiorina Foundation doesn’t appear to exist.

Carly Fiorina is so opposed to Planned Parenthood, which she believes is “pushing women into late-term abortions so they can more successfully harvest body parts,” that she would shut the government down in order to prevent it from receiving any federal funding. But she doesn’t oppose Planned Parenthood enough, it seems, to care if the organization that controls the Fiorina Foundation, her mysterious charity outfit, also distributes funds to the group—nearly half a million dollars since 2011.

In 2009, four years after Fiorina was forced to resign as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, the iconic technology company, she campaigned in the Republican primary to challenge Democrat Barbara Boxer for her United States Senate seat in California. Like in her current campaign for the Republican nomination for president, Fiorina’s candidacy centered on her business record, but unlike other prominent CEOs, Fiorina hadn’t been scooped up by another American institution after her ousting from corporate Babylon. Tainted goods in the technology sphere, she instead bided her time on its outskirts: serving on a number of boards—the Technology Policy Institute and the National Symphony Orchestra among them—and devoting herself to charity.

