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The Left Hates Ben Carson

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The invective against Dr. Ben Carson coming from the Left is extraordinary even for the Left. Now that Carson, one of the preeminent brain surgeons in America, has become viable candidate for president, the Left has labeled him everything awful it can come up with. One left-wing columnist, Charles Blow of the New York Times, even disparaged Carson’s intelligence.

But there were two attacks made this past week that should be beyond the pale even for the Left.

The first was that Carson “blamed the victims” in the Roseburg, Ore., community-college mass murder.

How did that happen?

On Fox News, Carson noted that “the poor families of those individuals had to be hurting so badly.” One of the hosts then made the following comment: “Dr. Carson, if a gunman walks up and puts a gun at you and says, ‘What religion are you?’ that is the ultimate test of your faith.”


Source: Dennis Prager,