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The Real Story of the Summer

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The Planned Parenthood videos are a far more important story than the Donald Trump nonsense. Whether by Columbus Day, or Thanksgiving, or Valentine’s Day, the Trump campaign will be over due to declining poll ratings or defeat in delegate selection contests. The Planned Parenthood videos and, just as important, the reaction of liberal elites to the Planned Parenthood videos, demonstrate the enormous obstacles and the equally enormous opportunities that conservatives face in reaching a large fraction of the American public. How we overcome those obstacles—or fail to—will determine the course of American politics and society.

The horror of the Planned Parenthood videos is simply beyond belief. Fetuses that can be quickly killed by chemical injection are crushed alive around the commercially valuable organs so that untainted specimens may be torn out and sold. It puts the next story about Donald Trump insulting some politician into perspective.

What the Planned Parenthood videos have revealed about liberal elites and the dynamics of American politics is extraordinary. Outside of those who consume conservative media, Americans are more likely to have heard of Cecil, the dead Zimbabwe lion, than of the videos. Those who have heard of both stories know more about Cecil’s last moments than about fetuses having their brains destroyed so that their organs—their human organs—could be sold.


Source:Pete Spiliakos, https://www.firstthings.com