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The Top Ten Harms of Same-Sex Marriage

Some advocates of same-sex “marriage” scoff at the idea that it could harm anyone. Here are ten ways in which society could be harmed by legalizing same-sex “marriage.” Most of these effects would become evident only in the long run, but several would occur immediately.

Immediate Effects

  • Taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships. 

One of the key arguments often heard in support of homosexual civil marriage revolves around all the government “benefits” that homosexuals claim they are denied.  Many of these “benefits” involve one thing-taxpayer money that homosexuals are eager to get their hands on. For example, one of the goals of homosexual activists is to take part in the biggest government entitlement program of all-Social Security. Homosexuals want their partners to be eligible for Social Security survivors’ benefits when one partner dies.

The fact that Social Security survivor’s benefits were intended to help stay-at-home mothers who did not have retirement benefits from a former employer has not kept homosexuals from demanding the benefit.[i] Homosexual activists are also demanding that children raised by a homosexual couple be eligible for benefits when one of the partners dies-even if the deceased partner was not the child’s biological or adoptive parent. Read_More_button

Source: Peter Sprigg,