
January 6, 2017

Source: Chicago Carnage: What Can Be Done? – Cal Thomas Chicago has come a long way from the idealized lyric “my kind of town, Chicago is,” which Frank Sinatra made famous. True, Chicago has a history of gangland murders going back to the days of Al Capone, but 2016 set a new and lamentable record. According to CNN, citing figures…

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January 6, 2017

Source: Preparing a Smooth Transition for the Repeal of Obamacare It is vital that the new Administration, Congress, and state officials orchestrate a smooth and methodical transition for the repeal of Obamacare. For this smooth transition to take place, Congress should act immediately to initiate repeal and the Administration should take aggressive administrative actions to stabilize the private market for…

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January 6, 2017

Source: These 6 Battlefields in 2017 Could Determine Religious Freedom’s Future | First Liberty Powerful institutions are manipulating the law to secularize America and make people of faith into second-class citizens. But in 2017, attorneys defending religious freedom have an opportunity to change that secular future. Perhaps the most promising opportunity lies in six areas of legal conflict—six “battlefields”—within the…

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January 5, 2017

Lawmakers from both sides will face a big challenge when it comes to deciding what to do about Obamacare, political strategist and Fox News correspondent Karl Rove said Wednesday. “The Republican challenge is that they need to reassure those people who have private insurance on Obamacare that they will be taken care of, and reassure them that they aren’t going…

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January 5, 2017

“Disagreement is not the same thing as hate,” the HGTV star wrote. By Liberty McArtor Published on January 4, 2017 House-flipping celebrity Chip Gaines encouraged people to “lovingly disagree” in a blog post on Monday. “If there is any hope for all of us to move forward, to heal and to grow — we have got to learn to engage…

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January 3, 2017

The word ‘millennial’ has a bad rap. It’s synonymous with ‘entitled,’ ‘spoiled,’ ‘emotional,’ ‘lazy’ and ‘impatient’—to name a few. At best, we’re naïve. At worst, we’re megalomaniacal hypocrites who know nothing about what’s actually going on the world. I tend to agree with the latter. It’s not that I hate millennials. After all, I am a millennial. I believe that, as a…

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January 3, 2017

Americans are five times less likely to pray now as compared to the early 1980’s, and twice as many said they do not believe in God. So concludes the research led by psychology professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. The biggest decline is among 18–29 year olds, the so-called millennials. The study reveals a sharp decline in religious…

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January 3, 2017

In this political season, Colin Kaepernick has been the prototypical millennial. The San Francisco 49ers quarterback has made headlines less for his statistics and more for his protests, kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness of racial injustice. Loud outside the ballot box and absent inside it, Kaepernick has used his freedom to express his frustration but has failed…

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January 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton lost because she took her eyes off the Rust Belt and foolishly tried to “expand the map” into Arizona and Georgia. Clinton lost because she was unlikable and dishonest. Clinton lost because she ran against Donald Trump rather than for something. Clinton lost because 2016 was a “change” election, and she was the candidate of the status quo….

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January 3, 2017

There aren’t many people like Michael Wear in today’s Democratic Party. The former director of Barack Obama’s 2012 faith-outreach efforts is a theologically conservative evangelical Christian. He is opposed to both abortion and same-sex marriage, although he would argue that those are primarily theological positions, and other issues, including poverty and immigration, are also important to his faith. During his…

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December 30, 2016

On Thursday, Madison Square Garden Company boss James Dolan announced that the Radio City Rockettes had to perform at the Trump inauguration. And the Rockettes went off their rockers. One Rockette wrote: I usually don’t use social media to make a political stand but I feel overwhelmed with emotion. Finding out that it has been decided for us that Rockettes…

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