In 2013, the Obama Administration announced the President’s intent to repeal regulations exempting military women from direct ground combat units such as the infantry. The Marine Corps dutifully began a multi-phased research program to determine whether women could meet male physical standards. Two and a half years later, reality is setting in. Since 2012, 29 female Marine officers tried but…

In the previous article, we saw how the Iranian regime’s panic over the 2002 outing of its theretofore clandestine nuclear weapons program drove its subsequent decisions about how to deal with the publicity and mollify, or at least occupy, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and the United States (U.S.). Having been well-trained by…
The Obama administration spin narrative about what a great success nuclear negotiations with Iran are was already coming unglued the day after the April Fool’s Day ‘framework’ was announced. Mr. Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and their advisors were trying desperately to portray the endless succession of contentious talks between the P5+1 and Iran as a great success even…
The U.S. Supreme Court heard two-and-a-half hours of arguments on Tuesday on whether it should grant same-sex couples the right to marry. The justices tangled with lawyers over states’ rights and the history of marriage and same-sex relationships. Read the transcript of the first argument here, and the second half here. Below are highlights from what the justices and the…
A small pro-life group in Waco, Texas, that plans to boycott Girl Scout cookies to protest the girls’ organization’s ties to Planned Parenthood and abortion has been joined by other national pro-life groups. John Pisciotta, head of Pro-Life Waco, has received support for the boycott from a number of national pro-life groups and leaders, including the American Life League, the…
January is a time of year when the pro-life spotlight shines especially bright. In an ironic coincidence, last month’s commemorations marking Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the landmark Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion in 1973, coincide with Girl Scout cookie season in most areas of the country. This iconic organization and its fundraising product have become an…
As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments in cases involving the freedom of states to make marriage policy, thousands gathered Saturday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., for the third annual March for Marriage. The event’s largest crowd to date called on the Court to respect the voice of the American people, urging the justices not to…
C.S. Lewis wrote in 1952 that “perversions of the sex instinct are numerous, hard to cure, and frightful.” The good Oxford don did not live to see the times we now live in, times in which progressive extremists can state a straight face that actually there are no sexual perversions – times in which even the long-held taboos against pedophilia…
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday seemed deeply divided about one of the great civil rights issues of the age: whether the Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry. The justices appeared to clash over not only what is the right answer but also over how to reach it. The questioning illuminated their conflicting views on history, tradition,…
Supreme Court justices broke along familiar ideological lines Tuesday as they considered whether same-sex couples enjoy a constitutional right to marry, with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in a familiar role as the apparent decider in a landmark gay rights case. Kennedy asked tough questions of both sides. Why should nine unelected justices change the definition of marriage as only between…
KATHMANDU, Nepal — Thousands of desperate Nepalese spent another night in the open in the early hours of Monday, terrorized by strong aftershocks that continued to shake the country two days after a massive quake struck, killing more than 3,200 people. Across the capital, Kathmandu, and beyond, exhausted families whose homes were either flattened or at risk of collapse laid…