Wealth Taxes

Penna Dexter Candidates on the far left are proposing to tax the rich — big time. They need revenue to fund their massive spending plans and also want to deliver their version of economic justice to the country. Senator Elizabeth Warren says, “we want to build an America that works for the people, not one that just works for rich…

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Chick-fil-A Caves

Penna Dexter Chick-fil-A didn’t ask to become a culture war symbol. But it became one. The company endured years of hateful slurs from the LGBT left for the stance of its founders in support of biblical marriage and for the company foundation’s generosity toward Christian charities. Evangelicals and deplorables across the nation loved this Christian aura around Chick-fil-A and provided…

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Britain’s Medicare-For-All

Penna Dexter The annual “winter crisis” at Britain’s National Health Service is starting early this year. Data released last week showed English emergency room wait times are the worst in 15 years. More and more patients are forced to wait in hospital corridors on temporary beds called ‘trollies’. The goal is to treat 95 percent of patients within 4 hours. In the last…

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Common Core Disappoints

Penna Dexter Common Core is the latest iteration of the failed idea that the federal government should control education.  Implementation of Common Core was begun under the Obama Administration. It was supposed to increase American students’ “college and career readiness.” The results are in on Common Core and they’re pretty discouraging. Common Core was fully phased in three years ago…

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Little Sisters’ Battle

Penna Dexter The Little Sisters of the Poor, a religious order that serves the elderly and impoverished, were again in court recently asking for protection from the ObamaCare mandate that tells them they must include contraceptive coverage in their employee health plan. In 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services, plus the Labor and Treasury Departments, adopted rules which…

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Saving James

Penna Dexter Last February, in a one-hour radio interview, Jeff Younger told me the story of his battle to save his then-six-year-old son James. When James was 3 his mother, Jeff’s ex-wife, began dressing and treating him as a girl. She began taking him to a transgender-affirming therapist. And she obtained a court order enjoining Jeff from dressing James as…

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UN Blocks Pro-Lifers

Penna Dexter It appears that a United Nations agency is blocking pro-life groups from registering for a population conference set to take place in Nairobi, Kenya in mid-November. The conference is co-hosted by the UN Population Fund (commonly known as UNFPA) along with the government of Kenya. This conference marks the 25th anniversary of the Cairo Conference on Population and…

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No Fault Divorce

Penna Dexter A consequential anniversary just passed. It has been fifty years since the nation’s first no-fault divorce law was enacted. No-fault divorce laws make it so one partner can end a marriage simply by citing “irreconcilable differences.” Governor Ronald Reagan signed California’s no-fault divorce bill in 1969. Forty-four states followed suit. Reagan later told his son Michael that this…

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Pro-Life At The UN

Penna Dexter At the opening of the 74th United Nations General Assembly, which convened a couple of weeks ago in New York, President Trump gave a speech that encompassed hot-button issues ranging from Iran to global religious persecution. One of his bold moves was to call the United Nations out on its promotion of an international right to abortion. Austin…

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Micromanaging California Ministers

Penna Dexter California lawmakers are calling upon all Californians—despite religious beliefs—to embrace LGBTQ lifestyles. The state Senate recently followed the state Assembly in passing a resolution demanding a change in the way people of faith approach ministry to same sex-attracted men and women and others who identify as LGBT. The resolution, ACR99, was introduced by San Jose Assemblyman Evan Low….

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Penna Dexter Just days into Smear 2.0 of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh, the Wall Street Journal ran an editorial that accurately described the matter as “The Assault on the Supreme Court.” The Journal’s Editorial Board was spot on in assessing the Left’s motivations, stating, “The attacks on Justice Kavanaugh are an attempt at intimidation to influence his opinions.” As a…

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