Ask Not

Penna Dexter On January 20,1961 President John F. Kennedy ended his inaugural address with a challenge:  “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” These words invigorated a new generation of Americans. The crowd of progressives currently running for president seem to be speaking a…

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Exploiting Medical Professionals

Penna Dexter Proposals for single-payer healthcare depend upon deriving more productivity from a system that is already stretched thin. Medicare-for-All, which would nationalize the practice of medicine, already has 106 House co-sponsors. Under Medicare-for-All, doctors would be salaried government employees. Hospitals and other medical facilities would be expected to provide care for all their patients within an allotted budgeted dollar…

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Dads and Daughters

Penna Dexter Fathers’ Day reminds us how crucial dads are to their children’s success in life. We know boys without a father influence have huge obstacles to overcome. But there’s also research showing the important ways in which fathers affect the lives of their young adult daughters. First — daughters with dads who encourage them to achieve — do. Linda…

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Flipping Courts

Penna Dexter It’s striking that the Trump administration and the US Senate have cooperated to confirm a record 41 judges to the US Circuit Courts of Appeals, beating the Nixon Administration, which logged 25 confirmations by its third year. This is important because the 13 appeals courts have the final say in all but the approximately 70 cases the Supreme…

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Cheap Sex

Penna Dexter In a slow moment at Starbucks, one of my favorite young baristas chatted about how she and her boyfriend divide the cooking duties. She also mentioned they recently moved here from halfway across the country. Her revelations made me think about how much has changed due to the sexual revolution. Activities and events that used to take place…

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HHS’s Commonsense Reform

Penna Dexter The US Department of Health and Human Services took steps, in recent days, to correct a troubling injustice initiated by the previous administration. Three years ago, HHS issued a rule, under the Affordable Care Act, that redefined ‘sex discrimination’ to include ‘gender identity.’ In addition, the rule included ‘pregnancy termination’ — i.e. abortion — in this non-discrimination clause. The…

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Alabama Abortion Ban

Penna Dexter When Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed the state’s new Human Life Protection Act, she implied that the goal of the bill is to set up a challenge to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion nationwide. She said: “To the bill’s many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians’ deeply held…

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Socialism Not Cool

Penna Dexter Socialism is disturbingly cool these days. Obviously, we haven’t learned enough from history. There are generations of voters who weren’t even born yet when the Berlin Wall and Soviet communism fell. They also weren’t around in the 60’s when many European countries implemented socialist policies that are now a drag on their economies. Author Joshua Muravchik is an…

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Paul McHugh

Penna Dexter The Wall Street Journal recently ran Abigail Shrier’s synopsis of her interview with Paul McHugh who, at 87, is still a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Dr. McHugh is referenced frequently by those arguing for medical common sense in the transgender wars. According to Ms. Shrier, he’s “a tenacious skeptic of the crazes that periodically…

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Free College

Penna Dexter Elizabeth Warren is perhaps not the most exciting candidate in the field of Democrats looking to challenge President Trump. But she’s formulating bold proposals other candidates must react to. She’s targeting a millennial voting block with proposals like universal child care, affordable housing, and now, a plan she claims would completely eliminate student loan debt for 75 percent…

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Notre Dame

Penna Dexter The Washington Post reported this:  “A procession of clergy dressed in white carried a simple black cross through the streets of Île St. Louis on Friday, continuing a Good Friday ritual even while the charred hulk of Notre Dame Cathedral loomed behind them. Thousands of Parisians and visitors gathered for the “stations of the cross” devotion, a symbolic reenactment of…

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