Politicians are currently answering questions like: “Knowing what we know now, would you have supported invading Iraq in 2003?” Hindsight will not alter that decision or the devastating 2011 decision to leave before we secured the gains made. Now Iraq is in chaos. The recent ISIS takeover of Ramadi the provincial capital of Anbar province is particularly heartbreaking because this…
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Most of the presidential candidates and hopefuls have figured out by now that they need to have an answer to the question: ‘What will you do if the U.S. Supreme Court comes down with a ruling in which it discovers a constitutional right to same-sex marriage?’ The very worst scenario coming from the Court would be a decision that, not…
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When a bill has the word non-discrimination as part of its title, it’s wise to dig deeper. A measure that requires non-discrimination against one group usually ends up allowing, even encouraging, discrimination against another. Proponents of the District of Columbia’s Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act — RHNDA — said it is needed to prevent employees in Washington D.C. from being discriminated…
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A recent edition of the Washington Times reports, “The Marine Corps’ historic experiment to allow women to take part in its Infantry Officer Course ended with zero graduates.” The Marines’ experiment began about two years ago. Twenty-nine women volunteered. Only four survived the course beyond the first day. The last two washed out on April 2nd of this year. The…
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In his Earth Day proclamation President Obama stated: “Today our planet faces new challenges, but none poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.” Such a convenient word the environmental left has us all using. Of course the climate is changing. It’s the height of human arrogance to think we can stop it. Climate change is a fact,…
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Email is such a convenient form of communication, we sometimes forget: There’s etiquette for emailing. A recent Wall Street Journal article entitled “Mind Your Email Manners” caught my eye. It draws from the advice of business etiquette expert Jacqueline Williams. Email is quick, efficient, and casual, but especially in business, Ms. Williams says we should actually “Err on the side…
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On April 28, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Obergefell vs. Hodges, the historic marriage case in which the institution’s very definition will be decided for the nation. In June, the Court will issue its decision, the repercussions of which will affect laws and practices in every state. The stakes are so high, it causes me to…
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Legislators in Indiana began well when they passed their Religious Freedom Restoration Act a couple of weeks ago. Like the federal RFRA and RFRA’s in 19 other states, this law protects religious freedom by providing people the right to go to court and challenge a demand to violate their faith in some way. Under RFRA, if society insists on violating…
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With NCAA Final Four basketball drawing attention to Indianapolis, the liberal press and Hollywood are whipping up a storm against the principled Indiana governor, Mike Pence. Last week Governor Pence signed legislation protecting the religious freedom of business owners. The law is called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, RFRA. It’s similar to laws on the books in 19 other states…
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Honest words are being spoken by a couple of famous homosexuals and several young adults raised by same-sex couples. The creators of the Dolce and Gabbana clothing line — once a gay power couple and still very successful business partners — are getting some flack for defending the natural family. In an interview with the Italian magazine, Panorama, Stefano Gabbana…
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There’s a debate going on in America about decriminalization and legalization of marijuana use. Federal law bans all sale and possession of marijuana, but enforcement varies widely at the state level. Colorado and Washington now allow recreational pot. Young people ought to be our top consideration in this discussion. A recent Australian study followed the drug use of more than…
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