Our first guest on the show today is Erick Schenkel, author and executive director of The JESUS Film Project. He tells us about his new book, Everyone, Everywhere: Glimpses of God’s Global Work Through People Like You.
Author, homicide detective and apologist J. Warner Wallace joins Kerby in the second hour, he tells us more about his book, Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith.

In some respects, it is not a surprise that God is at work. What is a surprise is that God is at work through us, when He could choose to work alone. He invites you, and everyone, to partner with him, not just to do the work but to experience the success and joy that comes with taking a leap of faith.
As you read through this book, you will be both challenged and inspired by these stories. The hope is that you will see the world around you differently because God is at work in you. That is the exciting promise He offers—that you can participate in the most life-changing adventure you could ever experience, the story of His incredible love for Everyone, Everywhere.

J. Warner served as a Youth Pastor for several years, then planted a church in 2006. Along the way, he created and built the Cold-Case Christianity website, blog and podcast as a place to post and talk about what he discovered related to the evidence supporting Christianity. Jim has appeared on television and radio, explaining the role that evidence plays in the Christian definition of “faith” and defending the historicity of Jesus, the reliability of the Bible and the truth of the Christian worldview. Jim also speaks at churches, retreats and camps as he seeks to help people become confident Christian case makers.