Our Monday host is Kerby Anderson and his guests are first timers who have messages of action, hope, and encouragement.
In the first hour, he gives us a weekend update and then welcomes Seth Gruber. He and Seth discuss the 1916 Project and protecting the unborn. In the second hour, Kerby welcomes Zane & Donna King, an award winning music duo whose ministry is to encourage others “from addiction to recovery.” And Kerby finishes the show by taking a couple of segments to share his perspective on those weekend stories.
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Equipping the Church to understand the times, resist evil, and rebuild a culture of life.”

In addition to producing and penning songs for numerous other artists, the Kings are each respected musicians in their own right. Zane is a steel guitar virtuoso and multi-instrumental studio musician, while Donna has released two acclaimed solo recordings and has written songs for such artists as Sunday Drive, Riley Roth, Tribute Quartet and The Taylors. As a duo, Zane & Donna King’s sound spans genres from country to Southern Gospel to worship, and their previous recordings include 2014’s Mile Marker One and 2018’s Beautiful Ever After.