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Monday, March 5, 2018

Today’s program is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Dr. Mark Cosgrove. Mark will be on to talk about his new book:” The Brain, the Mind, and the Person Within”.

Later Chief Executive Officer Mark Hancock will be on to talk about Trail Life USA.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Dr. Mark Cosgrove Show Page
Dr. Mark Cosgrove
Professor and a Chairman - Psychology Department at Taylor University
Dr. Mark Cosgrove is a professor and a chairman of the psychology department at Taylor University, where he has taught the subject of Foundations of Christian Thought for more than thirty years. He is the author of seven volumes on the integration of faith and learning, and the integration of Psychology and Christianity, including Counseling for Anger and The Essence of Human Nature. He is working with students in a directed research project concerning a child’s concept of God. Psychology majors are analyzing the data from hundreds of children who have been asked to write a letter to God, draw a picture of God, and ask God any questions they want to.
The Brain, the Mind, and the Person Within
The brain, with its nearly one hundred billion neurons, is the most complex structure in the universe, and we are living in a period of revolutionary advancements in neuroscience. Yet scientists and skeptics often frame these findings in ways that challenge the Christian worldview. Many professionals and popularizers claim that human beings are their brains, and that all human behavior and experience are merely by-products of brain physiology.

In The Brain, the Mind, and the Person Within, professor of psychology Mark Cosgrove not only explains what the brain is and what it does but also corrects common misinterpretations and demonstrates that what we know about the brain coheres with the teachings of Scripture. He contends that humans are unities of soul and body in which both the spiritual and the physical interact. From this perspective, he presents informative overviews of contemporary debates about the brain, including consciousness, free will, "God spots," personhood, and life after death.

The better we understand the brain, the better we understand ourselves and our exquisite design that reflects the wisdom of the Creator. Thoughtful readers will find this to be a fascinating, accessible survey of this unique part of the body and the profound theological and technological issues surrounding it.
Mark Hancock Show Page
Mark Hancock
Chief Executive Officer - Trail Life USA
Mark Hancock began his career founding a national advertising agency and running it for fifteen years. His conversion to Christ led him into ministry as a Youth and College Pastor, Associate Pastor, Homeless Ministry Director and Global Event Director for an international ministry, organizing events on five continents. He holds two Masters Degrees in the Mental Health Counseling field, having spent a number of years in private practice, and has taught at secular and Christian colleges. An award-winning writer and conference speaker, he serves as Chief Executive Officer of Trail Life USA and lives near Greenville, SC with his wife of 27 years and two sons.
Trail Life USALogo
Trail Life USA
Understanding the Core Values and Culture of the Program
Trail Life USA (TLUSA) is a Christian outdoor adventure program that emphasizes and teaches biblical moral values and requires all adult members to agree with, sign, and abide by the Trail Life USA Trinitarian Statement of Faith and the Statement of Values. The program is unapologetically Christian. However, the program is designed and intended to be presented without being “churchy” or “religious,” focusing on outdoor adventure, character, and leadership development. The analogy for this principle has been referred to as “carrot cake.” The carrots in the cake are not in big and obvious chunks, but are still present throughout the entire cake, as are the assumptions of a Christian worldview throughout the entire program. At the same time, the TLUSA program is not intended to replace or compete with other youth groups, Bible studies, or church programs, but rather to complement them and give youth an opportunity to exemplify and demonstrate Christian values in their relationships with others.




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