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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Today on Point of View, Kerby welcomes Matthew Dominguez who has a book to share: Inklings on Philosophy and Worldview. His next guest is Pat Nolan, who joins Kerby to talk about the Nolan Center for Justice Reform. The final guest is Richard E. Simmons, founder and executive director for The Center for Executive Leadership, a faith-based outreach in Birmingham, Alabama. He, too, has a book: Reflections on the Existence of God.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Matthew Dominguez Show Page
Matthew Dominguez
Speaker | Philosophy, Literature, & Discipleship Teacher - Wheaton Academy
Matthew Dominguez is an educational trainer, speaker, and teacher and has studied at Houghton College in New York and Keble College in Oxford, and received his master’s from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Currently, he is a philosophy, literature, and discipleship teacher and the adventure club director at Wheaton Academy in West Chicago, Illinois. With over twenty-five years of teaching experience and Kingdom community-building experience, he is passionate about the exciting journey of equipping students and leaders to make their faith their own by knowing what they believe and why they believe it. It is his deep joy to be on this grand adventure of Kingdom building and loving others with his wife, Jennifer, and their four children, Anna, Elijah, Olivia, and Ivy.
Inklings on Philosophy and Worldview
Matthew Dominguez introduces students to a revolutionary approach to understanding the world through a Christ-centered, biblical worldview with a call to discipleship. His insights empower readers to change the way they think and talk about worldview, helping them to make their faith their own by knowing what they believe and why.
Pat Nolan Show Page
Pat Nolan
Director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s - Center for Criminal Justice Reform
Pat Nolan is the Director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform. Nolan is a leading voice on criminal justice reform, highlighting the skyrocketing costs of prison, fiscal responsibility in the criminal justice system and reforms for non-violent offenders. He is an author, speaker, lecturer, and is frequently an expert witness at Congressional hearings on important issues such as prison work programs, juvenile justice, prison safety, offender reintegration and religious freedom. He has lectured at many judicial conferences and legal conventions. Nolan was member of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission. He also served on the National Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons. Pat is a leader in the Right on Crime project. Pat earned both his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and his Juris Doctorate at the University of Southern California. Pat and his wife Gail have three children. The Nolans live in Leesburg, Virginia and are members of the St. John the Apostle Parish
The Conservative Principles of Justice
Conservative Principles for Justice
Conservatives believe that the core function of government is keeping the public safe from harm within the constraints of individual liberty and limited government. We know it is the nature of bureaucracy that governmen agencies ...
Richard Simmons Show Page
Richard E. Simmons
Founder and Executive Director - The Center for Executive Leadership
Richard E. Simmons III is the founder and executive director for The Center for Executive Leadership, a faith-based outreach in Birmingham, Alabama. He holds a degree in economics and studied Risk Management and Insurance at Georgia State. He served ten years as CEO for Hilb, Rogal, and Hamilton. His books include Reliable Truth: The Validity of the Bible in an Age of Skepticism, Wisdom: Life’s Greatest Treasure, Sex at First Sight: Understanding the modern hookup culture and The Reason for Life: Why Did God Put Me Here?
Richard has a Economics Degree from University of the South. Richard is married and has three children.
Reflections on the Existence of God: A Series of Essays
This book is a series of short essays seeking to answer life's most enduring question: Does God exist? I have attempted to craft a book that is well researched but also easy to read and understand. Each essay can be read in less than 10 minutes.

In the end it is important to know whether God exists or He does not exist. There is no third option. Which of these beliefs is true and which one is not? --Richard E. Simmons III
Stalin statue w/ Soviet flags
Why Socialism Will Not Die
Almost a decade ago, I wrote a little book called The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism. When Regnery asked me to write the book, I was happy to do it but wondered whether a book ...
Happy kids at elementary school
Teachers’ Unions and Schools
It’s not enough that public school teachers and the college professors who train them are increasingly prone to teaching leftist absurdities like “2+2=5” or presenting the mendacious 1619 Project as legitimate American history. Teachers unions ...




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