Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In the first hour Kerby will share the latest news, and give us information on the politics and highlights of the day. Kerby’s first guest is Susie Jennings, founder and president of Operation Care International (OCI). She’ll talk about the Birthday Party for Jesus. Kerby’s other guest is historian Tom Holland. Tom has a new book, “Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World.”
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After her husband’s tragic death, Susie developed anew passion to give back to the community and serve the Lord by distributing blankets to the homeless in downtown Dallas. The homeless called her, “The Blanket Lady,” and Susie’s acts of kindness became the genesis of OCI, which has since grown to encompass multiple ministries and major events each year in Dallas, Texas, as well as missions to the homeless and destitute children in nations around the world.

You are invited to the Global Birthday Party for Jesus!Operation Care International is committed to sharing Jesus all over the world, evangelizing the world on the same date, in all 50 states and in 239 countries around the world.