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left_flag Thursday, December 20
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Kerby will guest host today’s show with Nick Pitts. They’ll share what’s happening around the world and will welcome 3 new guests to the show. Karim Baidaoui will be in-studio to tell us about Disciples of the Way Ministry helping a Muslim community find the Cross. Clint Gresham will join Kerby and Nick in-studio to share his book, “Becoming.” And Matt Taibbi is their final guest. He also has a new book to share, “Hate, Inc: How, and why, the press makes us hate one another” (formerly: The Fairway.)

We would love to hear your perspective, so give us a call at 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Dr. Nick Pitts
Co-Host | Executive Director - Institute for Global Engagement at DBU
J. Nick Pitts serves as the Executive Director of the Institute for Global Engagement at Dallas Baptist University.

Previous to this he held the position of Director for Cultural Engagement at Denison Forum on Truth and Culture. He came to the Denison Forum in 2014. He contributed to the Forum in the areas of geopolitics and popular culture, as well as serving as the editor of the Daily Briefing.

Nick earned his PhD from Dallas Baptist University. He co-hosts the Point of View radio talk show each Wednesday and frequently appears on Glenn Beck's TV show Think Tank. His op-eds have been published by Huffington Post, Religion News Service,, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

He received a bachelor’s degree in 2007 from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, and a master’s degree in 2009 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Karim Baidaoui Show Page
Karim Baidaoui
Founder | Minister - DOW Disciples of the Way Ministries
The story of Disciples of The Way (DOW) ministry begins with the conversion of Karim Baidaoui from Islam to Christianity. Following his Baptism in 1991, Pastor Karim’s conversion from a slave of Allah into a child of God convinced his heart to serve Christ as Missionary-at-Large to the Muslim community. After his Ordination within the Lutheran Church MissouriSynod in 2005, the ministry of DOW was born. In 2013, this ministry grew and established its own Non-Profit (501c3) under the name Disciples of the Way Ministries (DOW). DOW’s Mission statement is “Reaching, Teaching, Working, and Living among our neighbors and making disciples of the Cross from All Nations.” Matthew 28:19

DOW is a ministry of all nations reaching out to people of all nations -primarily Muslims in the Vickery Meadow community which is home to 35,000+ immigrants. DOW and its Refugee Service Center (RSC) program reach out to the community by becoming neighbors, workers, missionaries and by being disciple-makers. “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2 )
Clint Gresham Show Page
Clint Gresham
Author | Speaker | Former NFL Player
Clint received his bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurial Management from the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University. Clint was twice selected by Head Coach Gary Patterson, for the TCU Football leadership council. Later Chancellor Victor Boschini, requested him as the lone representative for the student body on the hiring committee for Former Athletic Director Chris Del Conte.

From 2010-2015, he served as the long snapper for the Seattle Seahawks, playing in 15 playoff games and two Super Bowls (XLVIII & XLIX).

Clint always viewed his time in the National Football League as a platform to push others to discover their inherent greatness. Clint is passionate about imparting the principles of success, grit, and resiliency, which he learned from the years he spent with one of the greatest coaches of all time, Pete Carroll. He believes developing healthy self-esteem is the most critical endeavor in anyone’s life, and wants to help everyone walk in “wholeness," which he defines as “giving up hope for a better past, relinquishing control for a perfect future, and choosing joy and courage right where your feet are.”

When Clint is not traveling as a speaker, he loves being at home in Dallas, TX with his bride Matti, daughter Zoe, and German Shorthair Pointer, Bear.
Becoming: Loving the Process to Wholeness
For most of his life, Clint Gresham, like many if not most of us, experienced the world through the lens of outcomes: Academics. Behavior. Sports victories. Career. Relationships. Material success. The underlying message? When the outcomes are good, you are good. When the outcomes are bad, you are bad.

Becoming unfolds a gripping and inspirational reality check, reminding us all that the point of life is not the destination, but the journey. Each of us is in the process of becoming who God designed us to be. While the journey can be painful, it is also necessary―a process that must be fully embraced if we are to experience wholeness of soul. By fixing your heart on God’s process, the outcomes take care of themselves.

Step back. Breathe. Stay in the moment. And take the long-term approach. Your ups and downs are a beautiful story God is telling through you. We are all Becoming . . . something incredible.
Matt Taibbi
Author | Journalist
Matthew C. "Matt" Taibbi is an American author and journalist. Primarily known for his work at Rolling Stone Magazine, Taibbi has reported on politics, media, finance, and sports, winning the National Magazine Award for Commentary in 2008. He has authored many books. And is a New York Times best selling author.

Prior to his time at Rolling Stone, Taibbi worked and lived in the former Soviet Union for over a decade. He edited an English-language newspaper in Moscow called the eXile and also played professional basketball in Mongolia.
He and his wife Jeanne have two little boys and live in New Jersey.
Cover of Hate, Inc by Matt Taibbi
Hate, Inc: How, and why, the press makes us hate one another
As of today, I am renaming the project available online that’s been titled, “The Fairway.” From now on, it’s going to have this title, and subtitle:


How, and why, the press makes us hate one another

If there’s room at the bottom of the cover – and it is looking more likely now that this will be a physical book at some point – I may add the following:

Your Campaign 2020 Guide to Media Deception!
Nick Daily Briefing
Daily Briefing
The Daily Briefing is a newsletter sent straight to your inbox every morning that provides biblical insight on today's news. This five-minute read gives an overview of the news driving the day and provides Nick Notes. These Notes offer biblical insight of the highlighted article. In essence, each note tries to answer this question: how should we think about this from a biblical perspective?




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