On Point of View today, Kerby welcomes author, Dr. Craig Biehl. He discusses his book, God the Reason: How Infinite Excellence Gives Unbreakable Faith.
In the second hour, we are joined in-studio by Dr. Carole Haynes who tells us more about how Common Core is now the law of the land and the new Every Student Succeeds Act.

At the undergraduate and graduate levels, Carole majored in music with advanced classical piano studies at the University of Memphis and Rhodes College.
Dr. Haynes has taught both music and history at the secondary school level. At the university level she taught teacher education courses at the University of Memphis and history at the Memphis Junior College where she served as Chairman of the Social Sciences Division. She works on textbook committees and has served as expert reviewer for the Texas State Board of Education Fine Arts Curriculum. Carole is an education policy consultant and writer about education and culture policy. Her commentaries can be found at National Center for Policy Analysis, Education Views, Texas Insider, and American Thinker, among others,