Our host today is Kerby Anderson. In the first hour, he welcomes a first time guest to the studio. Tammy Chan joins Kerby to talk about her organization Circle Ministries, which helps the homeless population in Grand Prarie. Then Kerby takes a couple of segments to share his perspective on today’s news. In the second hour, Kerby welcomes Jeff Jones & Mike Hogan to the studio. They join him to share their new book, Rebranding Christianity.
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These ministries to the homeless include finding the unsheltered homeless and documenting their homelessness to HUD specifications to help them qualify for housing assistance. While they are stuck outside, she and the other ministry volunteers visit the camps daily bringing food, water, hygiene supplies and medical teams. She also provides case management to help overcome barriers to housing.
She is an advocate for the construction of deeply affordable housing, the lack of which is a major reason for homelessness. She seeks to educate others on who the homeless are and to help change narratives relating to homelessness.
Tammy lives in Arlington and is the proud mom of two young adults.

In John 13, Jesus gave us the brand―radical love. Christians are known for many things today but love is not one of them. In Rebranding Christianity, Pastor Jeff Jones and professional marketer Mike Hogan combine their experience to provide a fresh new perspective on the Christian faith, how it has strayed from its true intention, and how to reclaim it. Interwoven with case studies of the most trusted and hated brands, Jones and Hogan break down how brands lose the trust of their audience and once lost, how that trust can be regained.
It’s time for Christianity to return to its true intention. It’s time for a rebrand.